Chapter 25- turning a night out into a nightmare

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As I stood in the shower the warm water ran down my spine, my head back and my eyes closed as I washed the conditioner from my hair, the smile still remained on my face from before hand, as I quickly turned the handles to stop the water running, i stepped out into the cool air, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body. 

I skipped into my bedroom, the towel still in place and grabbed a pair of Jeans a shirt, I wasn't going to wear a dress to the movies.. plus I only owned one dress! After replacing the towel with the shirt I let down my wet hair. I walked into the bathroom and blow dried it straight, it may take more time but it leaves my hair feeling more silky than it does when I use the straightener. 

"makeup.. or no makeup.." I mumered to myself as I run my hand over my makeup bag,
"No makeup.." a familiar voice sounded from behind me, making me jump, it was Jason.
"how'd you get in..?" He chuckled,
"I actually knocked on your door this time and your dad sent me up here.."
"how long have you been standing there..?"
"I like just got here" he laughed as he walked over to me and shut the draw with my makeup in it.

He placed a kiss on my cheek making me blush
"so what movie are we going to see..?" I asked as I pushed my hair from one side of my head to the other. 
"that's for me to know and you to find out.. now c'mon lets go!" He grabbed my hand and ran me down the stairs, I giggled as I quickly grabbed my shoes and said a really quick goodbye to my parents as I was dragged out the door. 

I slid into the front seat of his as he slid into the drivers seat, 
"I see you're still wearing the necklace.." He chuckled as he smiled at me,
"I don't ever want to take it off.." I smiled back as I buckled my seat-belt, we drove off into the direction of the movies. 

"can I turn on the radio..?" I asked as I pointed to it, he nodded his head as he concentrated on the road, I slowly lent forward and turned it on, the music blaring and making me Jump
"MY EARS!" I screamed covering them up. he chuckled as he leant over to turn it down
"probably should've turned the volume down before getting to your place.." I laughed and sat back into my seat.

10 minutes away from the cinema and the bright spark on the radio decided to play the well over done 'Call Me Maybe' hey, I'm not dissing the song! Carly Rae has some talent! but this is one of those songs that just get stuck in your brain for hours! I groaned as I placed my head in my hands, Jason chuckled,
"what? don't like a little Jepson?" He asked cheekily as he lent over and turned up the radio. By the time it reached the chorus, we were both singing along, who could resist!
"HEY I JUST MET YOU, AND THIS IS CRAZY, BUT HERE'S MY NUMBER, SO CALL ME MAYBE!"  we both sang at the top of our lungs as Jason would turn the music up louder and louder every couple of seconds, we were both laughing and singing and smiling, having the time of our lives!

"shh shh shh this is my bit!" Jason said holding up his finger to silence me before singing alone
"BEFORE YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE I MISSED YOU SO BAD, I MISSED YOU SO BAD, I MISSED YOU SO SO BAD BEFORE YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE I MISSED YOU SO BAD, AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT, SO CALL ME MAYBE!" I was laughing so hard that my stomach was hurting, who know that I would be having this much fun with a boy I used to call 'Trouble' 

The car came to stop as we reached the cinema, we sat there catching our breath from the joyous car ride we had just had
"that was-"
"the best car ride I have ever had in my entire life.." I quickly interrupted him, he laughed loudly before taking the keys from the ignition and helping me out of the car.

As we reached the start of the line to get our tickets, Jason's hand slid down into mine, he linked our fingers making me smile brightly, how I felt at that point in time? Happy doesn't even begin to describe it! As we neared the front of the Que I got a glimpse of the lady working behind the counter, that lady happened to be Jess.. I had completely forgotten that she worked here and knew that I was about to get payed out by her.. big time. 

I mentally face palmed as we got to the start of the line, 
"Welc- Destiny!" her eyes wandered to the boy standing next to me,
"Trouble?!" she looked down at our hands and her eyes widened
"are you two.. like.. oh my god.." she muttered on to herself, 
"can we please just buy our tickets?" Jason said tapping his free hand onto the counter that sat infront of him.

"uh.. yeah sure.." she shook her head as she tapped awya at the computer screen infront of her
"so.. what movie?" she asked, her eyes locked on our hands
"Two tickets to 'the lucky one' please and thankyou" I gasped, that movie had been on my "to watch" list ever since it had come out but nobody wanted to go and watch it with me.. I wasn't going to be a loner!  As Jason let go of my hand to look through his wallet, Jess waved her hand to get my attention and mouthed 
'what's going on! tell me!' I laughed silently and mouthed back
'I'll tell you later, now stop being awkward' as we received our tickets and began walking away I could feel Jess' eyes burning into the back of my head. 

"your friend.. Jess right?" Jason started conversation as we made our way to the movie,
"yeah.. sorry about her she's a little.. excitable" He laughed and began swinging our hands,
"i noticed.." he chuckled as we walked into the room where the movies were showing.

we sat up near the back in the corner and I made myself comfortable with my legs up on the seat infront of me and my shoes off.
"oh! the popcorn!" Jason said with his hands on his head
"I completely forgot about the popcorn! how could I forget about the popcorn!" I laughed slightly as he shot up form his seat
"I'll be back" He pecked my cheek before jumping over the seats infront of us and running for the door. I waited until he was out of sight before texting Jess,

'He asked me out today! I would've told you but I was to excited!' I clicked send and didnt expect a reply as she was working but she must've been texting under the counter

'What happened to that other guy.. uh.. what's his name? Harold Haroldston or something!' the fact that I had completely forgotten about my fake crush made me once again mentally face palm.
'I'll have to talk to you about that later.. I have a little explaining to do.. haha..'
'he was fake wasnt he? :P'
'how did you..?'
'harold haroldston? that name isn't believable destiny' 
'I really just wanted you to get off my back about the Jason and Sam stuff!'
'Who's Jason..?' 
'I meant trouble, my phone auto corrected.. hahaha' I lied, I just forgot i wasn't suppose to tell anyone. 

As the trailers began to roll through I decided to slip my phone away, a group of boys walked into the cinema, each one looking dodgier than that next, they came and sat in the row in-front of me, why were they in such a chick flick movie..? I decided to shrug it off and sit back. 

Jasonr reutrned with a big bucket of popcorn and two large drinks,
"hey.." he whispered as he pecked my lips and sat down next to me,
"hey" I whispered back with a smile. I snuggled into his side as the movie began playing. 

the boys in front of us began to her louder and louder with their talking, so loud that I couldn't concentrate on the move, one of the boys had sat up on his knees and I could no longer see the screen in front of me, I groaned and placed my head in Jason's shoulder,
"what's wrong..?" He whispered into my ear gently,
"I can't hear or see anything.." I complained extending my hand in front of me, Jason let out a sigh and lent forward, tapping one of the guys on the shoulder. 
"excuse me could you please sit down and keep it down, my girl wants to watch the movie.." he said in a very gentleman voice.

They all turned around to face him, Jasons face grew angry, it was obvious he knew them, they boys all laughed dryly
"look who it is.. Mr.Quit the gang, keep the name.." They all stood up slowly, Jasons eyes turned to slits as he glared at them, 
"do you still go by the name of Trouble.. or did you come to your senses after the.. tragedy?" they all laughed once more, I knew almost immediately that these were the boys from the gang.

"how about you keep your mouth shut and your eyes on the movie?!" Jason spat,
"how about you answer our question!?" My eyes darted back and forth from Jason to the boys who were slowly walking to the end of our row.

I knew from that moment that this wasn't going to be the romantic night me and Jason had hoped for.. it was going to be a dangerous one.

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