Chapter 26- We told you it was dangerous

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Jason stood up slowly, 
"could you please just go and sit back down in your seat so I can have a nice night with my girlfriend?!"  The tallest one in the group stepped forward, he had short brown hair and tanned skin.. 
"Girlfriend..? you mean this pretty little face right here?" He pointed to me,
"yes, girlfriend, there's no need to be jealous." Jason smirked
"oh don't worry sweetheart, you wont have to put up with this guy for long, he'll move on to some other girl by next week.." I gave Jason a worried look.

"don't listen to them.." I nodded slowly, having trust in him for one of the first times in my life.
"now, can you please just go and sit your butts down onto those chairs so that we can watch the movie in peace" they all chuckled and shook their heads, they were all in sync. 

"let's just go.. we can see this movie another time.." I said standing up, not wanting any trouble to start,
"no babe, sit, let's watch the movie.."
"Jason no.. it's fine.."
"Jason?" the guy at the front said "so you finally changed it back to Jason?" Jason shook his head
"she's the only one that calls me Jason, I stick by the name Trouble and there is nothing you can do about it!" the tone in his voice became angry and frightening. 

"Jason let's go.." I said grabbing his arm 
"No, let him stay.. let JASON enjoy the movie.." The main boy chuckled, saying 'Jason' the loudest out of the sentence. 
"You have no right to call me that!" Jason spat
"what's that..? I have no right to call you by your given name?!" they all seemed to be sarcastic and rude.

"You call me Trouble and nothing but Trouble.. Aiden!" Jason yelled, the whole group gasped and started 'ooohhh'ing. The guy at the front of the pack chuckle dryly 
"My name isn't 'Aiden' I go by the name of Reckless. You should know that." Aiden spat. I couldn't understand why the name 'Reckless' rang a bell, I had never met this boy in my life!

"I've had enough of this primary school fight, let it go, sit down and enjoy the damn movie!"
"no.." Reckless replied.. rather.. well.. Recklessly.
"It wasn't a question!"
"and who are you to order me around!" Trouble took a step forward,
"Sit. Down." Jason hissed
"Change your name back to Jason and then we'll sit down"
"and who are you to order ME around?" Jason spat, repeating what Reckless had said before.

"so the death of your parents didn't bring you to your senses?" Reckless laughed
"never bring that up.." Jason said in a threatening tone, my eyes darted back and forth between Jason and the group of boys that stood in front of me. 
"but how can I not bring it up when it was so much fun to do..?" this boy was just down right nasty.

"C'mon Destiny, let's go.. I promise we'll come back another time when these douche bags aren't around" Jason stood up and put his hand in mine before stepping forward,
"now..?" one of the shorter boys whispered as we tried to make our way out of the isle.
"now." Reckless reassured, in seconds, all the boys pulled out a weapons, from pocket knifes to guns. Reckless pulled a gun from his back pocket and pointed it in Jason's direction. I gasped and stepped back, covering my mouth with my hand.

Jason laughed,
"Shoot me. go on. do it" I clutched onto Jason's side
"Jason no.."  I whispered,
"Shoot you?" Reckless laughed loudly and sarcastically "I know you'd want that, so I was thinking more like her" He then pointed the gun to me.

A silent scream left my glossy lips as my hands began to shake, I had never before felt so much fear, I couldn't move, I was frozen, I wanted to run but I know a bullet can run faster than I can.
"Move the gun away from her and nobody gets hurt.." Jason said slowly as he put his arm around me tightly.
"Change your name and the girl lives"
"J-just change it.. please.." I mumbled, my eyes glued on the gun.
"You have no say in whether I change my name or not! you're not god!" the boys once again chuckled in sync
"yeah but if you don't change your name, this girl will be seeing god pretty soon.." 

"Jason c'mon.. let's.. let's just go.." I wanted to leave so bad, I felt like I just wanted to cry but no tears were coming, I guess I was in shock that there was a gun near my face!
"Baby they won't hurt you.."
"we wont..?" Reckless interrupted, "we will." A boy a little taller than me stepped forward, he walked over to me slowly, pocket knife in his left hand.
"she's a pretty little thing, isn't she Reckless..?" He said running a finger down my cheek,
"you keep away from her D.." D? what a creative and scary name that one was..

"why should I..? she is way to good for you.. look how clear her skin is? look how beautiful her eyes are.. you wouldn't mind if we took her off your hands for a while?" Jason stepped in-front of me,
"you will not touch her."  I was trembling with fear,
"Jason I just want to go home.." I whispered, fear in my voice, tears in my eyes. 
"hear that guys, she wants to go home!" D chuckled, his hand pushing Jason out the way and landing softly on my cheek.

"please just let me go home.." Jason gripped onto my hand and could feel me shaking almost immediately
"we'll take her off your hands for awhile" he chuckled before forcfulling grabbing my arms and yanking me over to him, my arm felt like it had been pulled straight off of my body, i squealed in pain.

"No, you will return her to me right this second!" Jason yelled stamping his foot, I finally let a tear fall down my cheek as I felt Ds grip tighten. 
"Either you give her to us for maybe a few hours or we kill her right here"
"What do you mean maybe a few hours?"
"We mean that it might take a few hours, or it might take longer" Jasons face screwed up in disgust,
"Change your name back to Jason and we'll let this go!" Reckless screamed from behind me.

"IS THIS SERIOUSLY OVER A STUPID NAME?! JUST LET IT GO!" I spat, suddenly i felt something cold on the side of my head, a gun, Reckless had come up behind me, holding me down and pointing a gun to my head. I gasped and shut my eyes tightly, my whole life flashed before my eyes, I started thinking of things i could've done better, things that I could've done with my life, I was so boring. I should've been more fun! 

"I'll pull the trigger.." I heard a husky voice say from behind me, 
"NO! T-take her out.. just.. you have to promise me you wont hurt her, I want her back here, 2 hours tops" Jason said shakily 
"5 hours" one of the boys added
"7 and you have a deal" Jason looked at me, he could see how afraid I was, I had no idea what they were going to do to me and it made me want to be sick just thinking about it.
"7 hours. then I want her to be dropped here. and there better not be a scratch on her or so help me..." Jason stepped forward, pointing his finger at Reckless.

He laughed dryly
"Deal. 7 hours. you made a wise choice Jason. a very wise choice, your next wise choice should be to change your name back" I felt more hands clutch onto me as I was lifted from the ground, Pain was in Jasons eyes, I could see it from a mile away! 
"no.. No.. NO! PUT ME DOWN!" I began kicking and screaming,
"DON'T WORRY BABY! I'LL SEE YOU IN SEVEN HOURS! I'M SORRY!" Jason screamed as they carried me out the door. 
"Don't worry, we'll take good care of you" they all chuckled as they carried me out to the parking lot.

"P..Please D..Don't hurt M..Me" I stuttered as they brought me to a very large grey van,
"we'll see.." they teased as they slid the side door of the van open.
"get in.." D said giving me a little shove, I wanted to run away so badly but my legs just started moving, pulling myself into the van, I had no control over them! before I knew it i was surrounded by smelly teenage boys who obviously had never heard of deodorant, they were all sitting around me as Reckless drove us down the street. they were all loud, giving me a headache.

Tears streamed down my cheeks silently as I remembered the look on Jasons face as I was being carried out the door,
"C'mon girly, cheer up!" one of the taller boys said, flinging his arm around me, I just shook my head as I wiped my tear away.

The car suddenly came to a stop and the doors opened, in front of me was a small apartment building.
"We're here" Reckless said with an evil grin along his lips.

I had a sick feeling in my stomach, I was probably never going to see my family again, I felt like I was about to be sick,  I couldn't see through the tears.
But most of all
I. Missed. Trouble. 

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