Chapter 24- Thankyou..

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After a very emotional day at school, I made my way home, the rain had stopped but the smell of wet concrete still remained, my windows were rolled up at my heater was on, I didn't want the smell or the cold to get into my car! As I slowed down at a red light I noticed Trouble (or Jason) walking alone, a hood up over his head and his hands shoved into his pockets. I beeped my horn to get his attention, making him Jump. I slowly wound down my window. 

"What are you doing out here in the cold?!" I yelled over to him, sticking my head out the window, despite the cold winds. 
"I was actually on the way to your house!" He yelled back,
"C'mere and get in!" I motioned him over to the car, he quickly ran over and slid into the front seat with no hesitation, I wouldn't blame him, it was so cold!

"Its so warm in here.." He said, rubbing his hands together, I took off in the direction of home as the lights turned green,
"so why were you on your way to my place..?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the road in-front of me
"I wanted to give you something.." He murmered shyly, a light smile was brought to my face as I neared my house. 
"Give me something..?" I questioned, quickly looking over to him before looking back at the road,
"Just wait until we get to your house.. are your parents going to be home..?"
"Yeah.. but they don't come near my room" I laughed.
"will they get annoyed that your brought a boy home..?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head
"They wont care"

When we reached home I quickly ran inside, Trouble not following far behind me, we quickly ran upstairs and into my bedroom where I shut the door and sat down onto my bed, he smiled down at me as he took of his wet jacket, my room was nice and warm as the heaters had been on.
"so you were on the way to my place to give me something..?" I let my long hair fall from the pony tale as I spoke.

"Yeah.. but.. you can't ask me how much is cost me because I wont tell you.." I creased my eyebrows as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a little box and handed it to me, I took it slowly, looked up at him then looked back down at the box.

"are you going to open in or..." He chuckled as he folded his arms, I laughed and began opening it slowly, my eyes lite up as I saw a necklace, it was silver and had a heart on it, the heart had a very little diamond on the corner of it, I gasped quietly as I pulled it from the box slowly,
"It's a thankyou present.." I looked up at him as the necklace hang in-front of my face,
"thankyou present..?"
"you made me feel not so weak today.. so I had to repay you some how.. I ditched English so I could get it for you"
"you didn't steal it did you..?" He laughed slightly
"no.. I used money that I had worked for, I knew you wouldn't take it if I stole it.." He walked over and pulled my hair up as he clipped it around my neck. 

It was the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen,
"Trouble I-"
"Please.." He interrupted "Call me Jason.." I was surprised as he would never let anybody else call him Jason.. I felt  like he had trust in me.
"Jason.. this is beautiful.." I turned around to face him, a warming smile along my lips, He lent forward as our lips connected. 

I pulled away slowly and smiled up at him, he shyly looked away, this was a whole different side to him.. he was caring.. sweet.. unlike Trouble who was nasty and rude..
"Destiny.." He said quietly, this was the first time he had actually called me by my real name and not 'Little Miss Innocent'
"Yes..?" He bit his lip and took a deep breath in before opening his mouth to speak, 
"Will you be my girlfriend..?"

A bright smile was brought along my lips, how was I suppose to say no to him?! I've wanted this day to happen ever since our eyes first locked. I sat there silently not being able to move my lips to make words, I felt like someone had gotten down on one knee and proposed, 
"is that a yes..?" He said chuckling slightly, I nodded slowly as I finally got words to come out
"Yes.. I would love to be your girlfriend" he smiled brightly before leaning forward and mashing his lips with mine once more.

I kissed him softly before we were interupted by my mother walking in without knocking
"Destiny where-" She paused and looked at us as we quickly turned our faces to her. she looked at Jason, then me, then Jason and then me once more, 
"um.. hey mum.." I said awkwardly as Jason wiped his lips with the back of his hand. 
"who's this..?" she walked in slowly shutting the door behind her,
"this is uh-" Jason quickly stood up and extended his hand towards my mum
"I'm Jason. you must be Destiny sister" Look at him trying to be a suck up! Mum giggled and shook his hand
"oh how flattering, I'm her mother" she laughed
"really? I would've never guessed" He laughed.

"so.. what's going on here..?" She pointed her finger between us,
"he's-" Jason cut me off once again
"I asked your daughter to be my girlfriend" He smiled so sweetly, it was like a whole different person was sitting next to me.

Mum smiled ever so brightly, her eyes lite up in excitement before calling my dad up to my room
"oh lord.." I murmerd to myself as dad came rushing in,
"this boy, Jarred?"
"Jason" he chuckled
"Jason! yes! him! he is our little girls prince charming!" I put my head in my hands out of embarrasment,
"Prince charming..? really mum..?" I said quietly, Dad just nodded his head and left the room, for some reason I don't think he was as excited as mum was.

"Well I'll leave you two love birds alone!" she made chirpy bird noises as she ran out of my room,
"wow... i am so sorry about that.." I appoligised to Jason,
"Don't sweat it.. Your prince charming doesn't care if your mummy is a little overly excited" He teased, I laughed. 
"now, let me just lay down a few things." He said suddenly becoming serious
"if anyone, and I mean anyone! messes with you, come straight to me, I'll sort them out.." I laughed
"You're really sweet, you know that right?"
"only to you.." He lent forward and pecked my lips.

"are you busy tonight..?" He asked smiling slightly.
"I don't think so.." I replied softly, leaning up to peck his lips once more, his lips were so soft, like heaven on his face! 
"you are now.."
"how does a little date down at the movies sound to you..?" I smile brightly,
"It sounds perfect.." He smiled before standing up,
"i'll come and pick you up in a few hours, I think i'll go and shower.." he stood up slowly and walked towards my window. 

"You know you can just use my door.." I laughed as I followed him over,
"It's no fun.." He Lent forward and kissed my cheek before quickly jumping from my window
"I'LL WEAR SOMETHING PRETTY!" I yelled out to him as he began to run down my driveway
"IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU WEAR! YOU'LL STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" and with that, he ran down the street.

Mum knocked on the door and walked in to see me staring out of my window
"oh so now your knock?" I laugh looking over to her
"where'd the boy go?"
"He went home to get ready for tonight.." I smiled as I shut my window and walked over to my wardrobe,
"what's tonight?" she asked curiously
"a date.." my cheeks flushed bright red as I ran my fingers over the clothes in my wardrobe.
"how exciting!" Mum squealed, wrapping her arms around me,
"my baby girls going on a date with a boy!" she sang as she swayed me back and forth, I giggled and pushed her away from me.

"can you leave me be so I can shower and get ready?" I asked politely,
"oh right! i'm just gonna be in the kitchen!" she pecked my cheek and ran out the room, slamming the door behind her, I smiled excitedly as I looked down at the necklace that hung around my neck, I couldn't believe this was happening! I quickly ran to the bathroom to get ready. 

My first boyfriend and my first date on the same night, how could I not be excited? 

They Call Him Trouble (a Jason Mccann love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora