Chapter 4- not involved

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a few days passed and trouble had managed to stay in the school, I sat at the lunch tables alone as Jess had taken the day off because she was 'sick'. by 'sick' I mean she couldnt be bothered getting up out of bed when her alarm clock started ringing. 

I sat with a little container of salad that I had prepared for myself this morning, playing with the lettuce leaves with the top of my fork. I placed my elbow on the table and my hand pressed up against the side of my face as a loud sigh escaped my peach coloured lips. 

My eyes wandered around the school yard as I realised that I was the only person sitting alone
'How dare you leave me at school..' I thought, as if I was sending her messages through my mind. 
"alone..?" I heard a husky voice whisper from behind me, imedaitaly knowing it was Trouble I looked down at my salad.

'just say no, say your friend is over at the cafeteria getting food, dont tell him youre alone..' I Thought to myself knowing that If i didnt reply soon I was just being plain rude. 
"No.." I answered quietly
"You look pretty alone to me.." He whispered into the back of my neck as he had done before at the lockers.

"well.. I.."
"am trying to make up excuses so the most attractive boy at the school doesnt sit with you?" He ended my sentence as he pulled up a chair and sat next to me. My eyes were still fixed on a piece of tomato that was in the salad. He just sat there looking at me as I wasnt talking.

"you are the most untalkative person at this whole school, you know that right?" He chuckled as I brought the piece of tomoato to my lips and started chewing away slowly.
"So you're really just going to sit there and ignore me..?" He scoffed, almost like he was implying how rude I was being.

I looked up slowly and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear
"No.. I just dont feel well, losing my voice" I coughed loudly and pointed to my throat indicating that it was sore but I was obviously lying. 

"oh.. Liar!" He spat laughing slightly
"No I'm serious"
"I saw you talking to the math teacher about things you can do for extra credit" I looked down at my hands.
'Busted..' I said to myself quietly as I tried to think up another lie.

"I know that look.." He said laughed ever so slightly
"What look..?" I raised my eyebrows at him 
"You're making up something in your head" this time he laughed loudly as I went bright red and looked back down.

"You can't run anything passed me Little Miss Innocent" He scooted closer to me with a smirk along his lips.
"You cant be as innocent as you look.. there has to be something about you that's bad" He said pushing a strang of hair over my ear. 

'dont get involved with him Destiny.. dont do it' I said to myself trying to not respond to as many questions as possible
"There has to be something about you that makes you the tiniest bit not innocent.." I shooky my head and laughed
"You are so damn stubborn it makes me hate you.." he growled, my eyebrows rose as I turned my head to face him.

"Hate me?"
"Yeah.. you're too.. innocent.. like your file is completely clean. I hate that" My jaw dropped, did he just admit he hated me? 
"Maybe you're too bad.. maybe I hate that" He folded his arms
"Well I guess we hate each other then" I looked back down as he stormed off in the direction of the lockers.

'Did I just have a fight with him and tell him that I hate him..?" I said in my mind as I watched him from the corner of my eye knowing that I didnt hate him.. at all and I was pretty sure he didnt hate me as much as he said he does. The bell for next lesson went and I shot up quickly, I was normally at class atleast 5 minutes before the bell but Trouble had distracted me and now I was going to be later than usual.

After school I made my way to my car with my bag over my shoulder and some note books in my arm from the last lesson I was in. There was two guys fighting near the car park, screaming, yelling, throwing punches randomly. I couldnt get to my car without going through their fight, they had completly blocked my off.

"Uh.. excuse me.. can I just get through.." I mumbled to myself as I tried to get through their fight. They screamed loudly at each other as they completly ignored me. Out of the corner of my eyes I noticed Trouble leaning against a car with his arms folded, chuckeling slightly.
"Excuse me!" I said a little louder trying to get their attention.

One of the guys pulls a switch knife from his pocket and the other pulled a gun, I jumped backs lightly and watched as everyone else did the same. The guy with the gun aimed it at the other guy.
"Can I just get back to my car.." I said.. That probably wasnt the smart idea as the guy with the gun turned it towards me

"SHUT UP!" He screamed as he very slowly pulled the trigger. 

They Call Him Trouble (a Jason Mccann love story)Where stories live. Discover now