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A's POV-

It was this normal Tuesday when Nick Black ( the most popular guy who is amazingly beautiful ) came over to my bench during the Lunch Break. It was very weird .

Then I was there sitting and he just sat beside me and I tried to ignore this fact . Out of the blue he says " I got a dare from my friends to ask you out so will you go out with me ?"
It took me 10 minutes straight to understand what he said and I was like, "Whaaaat ?! "

He replied by saying " Didn't you hear me ?"

"I heard you , but you expect me to go out even when I know it's a dare "

" Ya I don't like misleading my dates " he said with the greatest smirk I have ever seen .

"Great "

" Be ready at 5 , I pick you up !"

" I am NOT going out with you "

"What?! You just said great "

" Oh I was thinking you will be sad as my answer is going to be a NO . And you will get sad as it was such a good dare ..... And that great was for what life does to me "

" Oh wow . You rejected me hard . But still I am coming at your house at 5 so be ready"

Before I could say anything , he left and I had my two best friends coming at me with follow up questions about what just happened .

As soon as he left , my bestfriends came .
Vanshika she has been my bestfriend since childhood . She goes by V . She is one the most popular girl and she has a boyfriend James . He is crazy rich but he is not as handsome as Nick . Nick and James are best friends they have been together since childhood .

My other crazy one , Patrick . He is gay and open about it . He just went through a break up now . He has this amazing physique and is genuinely sweet .

So coming back , as soon as Nick left they had this look which gave me jitters .

V- " Oh was that my super stalker who likes me alot and I don't give him attention was talking to you and by what you looked like he said something weird "

Me- " How did you assume it was weird? He could have just come to say hi to me ! "

Patrick - " First of all , V get over it . He didn't stalk you. You just happened to be at the same party and he entered late . And secondly , Darling your face has this expression which you make due to some weird thing just happened and we all know Nick ,what none of the boys drop by to say hello as you don't respond to that . And babe just tell us what he was saying ."

V- " Ya whatever let's talk about you not about how he was my stalker !"

Me- " Ummmm .... Actually he kind of asked me out !"

V and Patrick - " Whaaaaaaaaat ?!"

" Girl you gotta be kidding me ! " , said PATRICK

"What do you me kind of ?" , asked V

Me - " Guys calm down ... It was a dare given to him by his friends ."

V and Patrick glanced looks and at that point of time I knew they set this up .

V- " Girl , you need to pull up your A game at this date , even though it is a dare."

Patrick- "Yeah girl you can do it . I know it . V knows it . You gotta know it too . "

V- "Don't worry we are happy to help"

Before I could say anything they left . Why does people keep walking out on me? Well that question is for later ...
The bigger question is what am I going to do now !!!!
Shittttt .


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