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I know Disney is kind of Romans thing but...
Don't feel.
Don't let them know.
I've been called emotionless, and maybe that's true.
I read books to calm emotions, and when they come up I let them out as facts or metaphors, never actually saying how I feel.
I look over the mindscape, trying to find a reason to stay.
Three out of four are illogical and spontaneous, even when I am there.
Virgil does nothing to help.
So what's the point?
I prepare to jump away from it.
No one appreciates my efforts.
No one will notice
And if they do no one will care.
I push off from the ledge, feeling the cold air rush through my hair and chilling my bones.
I feel the hard wood of the window, the last part of the only home I've ever had that I will feel.
When we were young
Life was so damn simple
But then reality sprung.
And I bid farewell, in the same way I entered, I will exit stage left.
Thank you for taking part.

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