~Thomas~ {Part 3}

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Romans room is empty as well.
I go back to the forest and follow the path, hoping he hasn't strayed too far from it.
I spot Creativity's white prince uniform in the darkness of the cedars and firs.
A tree falls towards him, and I feel adrenaline course through my veins,
I run to him and push his soaked figure out of the way.
He hits the ground hard and I land on him, looking at his tear-stained face.
Searching for a reason.
I help Roman up, pulling him into a tight embrace.
I pick his crown off the ground and go to place it on his head.
He shakes his head, takes it, and places it among my brown locks.
I grip his hand and together we walk back to the house.
When we get there I make sure he's resting and tell him to watch over the two unconscious males for me.
Why is this happening?
I think in a moment of desperation.
Is it because of... him?
My face contracts in disgust at the word, and I have to look away from my friends -my brothers- to hide the look.

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