~Thomas~ {Part 1}

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I suddenly feel empty.
No fear of failure
As Virgil makes me feel.
No hope for success
As Patton was so keen for.
No creative way to get there
Something Roman would have thought up.
No real way to pass the test.
Logan's gone.
They're all gone.
I have wonder.
I creep to Anxiety's room, where I first saw Virgil leave to.
The room is darkened, with a bloodstained carpet and a red mass right beside.
I rush to the small figures side, seeing the now almost dried blood around deep overlapping cuts.
I gently pull the hoodie off of him and throw it in the wash on the way to get bandages.
Dashing back, I check his pulse.
But there.
I place gauze over Anxiety's wounds and hear the wash ding
Evidently I took my time.
I place the purple stitched hoodie in the dryer and run back to Virgil,
Wrapping bandages around his arms and chest, I lift him carefully off of the floor and carry the childlike figure to the couch, where I place him and go get his sweater.
Slipping the black and purple fabric over my t-shirt, I make sure he's okay and dash up to Patton's room.

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