Chapter 1

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I was getting late for church (first day) when mom said eat your breakfast.

Catherine: I can't eat mom. I have no time.

Mom:(angrily replied) I told you to wake up early but you never listens to me.

Catherine: I am sorry. *I kissed on her cheek*.

Mom: Have this money. And please eat something on your way. Instead of saving money.Okay.

Catherine: Okay! I will eat something, I promise.

I left home and went to the market. I was buying when I bumped in a stranger.

Catherine: Sorry!

Boy: Watch where your going.

Catherine: Sorry

He was holding a juice and it fell on him. I left and I was in church.

Catherine: Which classroom is it.

(We have classes in church)

Girl: Are you Hira?

Catherine: Yes! Why?

Girl: Hi! My name is Sharn. And your mother called Mrs.Sumer. She told me to bring you to the class.

Catherine: Oh!I see

We went to class and when I was opening the door, suddenly I got knock down by something but before I reached the bare ground made of wood some strange hand got me.

???: Are you hur- You!!

I looked up to see the strange eyes I had met before
Catherine: You!!

Stranger: I guess I did that drama already Skip it Why are you here?

Catherine: Maybe because this is not your house.

Sharn: I....guess you guys have met each other, but it would be nicer to take your personal moment out of church.

We both didn't realize that we were really close to each other's face. We quickly moved away. But something was hurting I looked down just to see a bruise.

Stranger: It is swelling. Let me take you.

Sharn: Maybe I should take you I think you have a lesson don't you Miles.

Miles: I totally forgot about it. I am sorry about it.
(Looking towards me)

Catherine: It's okay. Sharn please help me.

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