Chapter 9

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It was early morning now. I woke up and sat next to the window. I didn't even change my birthday dress.
Catherine's pov:
I am sad about what happened last night. I think I should do what mom did and even my sisters did the same. Then, why should I stand against the rules and tradition.
Out of thoughts

As I was thinking about it, I heard a knock on the door.

????: Can I come in?

It was a strange voice which I have never heard before.

Catherine: Come in.

Then the door open and I saw Hirder coming in.

Hirder: Good morning. How are you? Oh, you didn't change.

Catherine: Good morning. I am fine and yeah I didn't. I was tried and just slept in my dress.

Hirder: O-okay. Change and meet me downstairs. We'll have breakfast outside.

Catherine: Hmm..... I'm not feeling well. I think I will meet you later. At dinner? How's that?

Hirder: Okay! Not a problem.

Catherine: You may go now if you're done.

He left the room without saying anything. I think I shouldn't say that. That's so rude.

Hirder's pov:

I left the room but I think she doesn't like me. I went to talk to my father. He was talking to Catherine's dad in backyard.

Hirder: Dad, May I have a word with you?

Dad: Yes sure, why not. Excuse me Rafiq.

Catherine's dad nobled.

Hirder: Dad, I think Catherine doesn't like me. She don't even want to spend time with me

Dad: No, it's just that it's new for her, so just try to make her comfort with you.

Hirder: Comfort her, how? She doesn't even want to see me.

Dad: That's silly, when I was married to your mother. She wasn't even comfort with me. So, I just kissed her. That's when she was comfort with me.

Hirder: Me kissing Catherine, that's so stupid.

Dad: Then be like this forever.

Hirder: Okay! Okay! I will do it.

Dad: That's my boy.

Time skip to dinner

Catherine's pov:

I was thinking of wear top but then I changed my mind. I wore pant shirt which made me comfortable. I then went downstairs and saw Hirder waiting for me already.

Mom: You both look so beautiful together.

Hirder: Thanks. Shall we go?

Mom: Yes! Sure, why not? Bye. Have fun.

Catherine: Bye, we will.

As we went and sat in car, we went to garden. It was so beautiful.

Catherine: It's so beautiful.

Hirder: Yes, this garden is since when my father was born. Then, my father and mother had their first date here.

Catherine: I see.
It sounded so awkward.

Hirder: You are not comfortable with me are you?

Catherine: What made you think that?

Hirder looked shocked and surprised. I was about to say something, when he pulled me towards him and then pushed me near a wall and he kept his hand above my shoulder. He then made eye contact. I was shocked about what just he did. He then closed his eyes and then he came near my lips, I pushed him and slapped him.

Catherine: Never try to come near me.

I said that and I started to run away. I heard him " sorry, I didn't really mean it" but then tears came out and I shouted for taxi. I found one and sat in it.

Hirder's pov:

She said " never try to come near me". I did the wrong thing. I have just met her. How could I do that to her.

Catherine's pov:

I reached the house and went straight to my dad's room. My dad was lying down on bed playing with his phone.

Dad: What happened? Why are you crying dear?

Catherine: I tried to do what you said to me but I couldn't do it. I can't live with him. It's only a day and he tried to kiss me. That's it I can't do it anymore.

Dad: What? That's it, he went to far. I will talk to him tomorrow.

He hugged me. I wasn't talking to my mom in the room but she came and hugged me and my dad. I stopped crying.

Mom: Don't worry dear. We'll always be with you. There's any problem come talk to me or your dad.

Catherine: Yes mom.

I left the room and came upstairs. And I remembered that I left my phone in their room. I came downstairs and heard them.

Mom: Why is our daughter like this?

Dad: Why are you that? She doesn't like romance and boys. Okay she has friends but never wanted to spend time with them.

Mom: I know, I'm her mother. I know that but coming like this and complaining about him. It makes us also in tension and her sisters too. I'm not saying that she should not come and talk to us about her marriage life but just let it go.

Dad: I can't say her anything because she is only the one I love the most in our daughter because she is different. Not in a bad way but in a good way.

I heard that and I was shocked but then I knock the door.

Dad: Who is it?

Catherine: It's me Catherine. I forgot my phone on shelf.I just want that.

Mom opened the door and pass me the phone and said good night. I came in my room. I changed and went to sleep.

The cover of lies😶💔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora