Self Importance

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Everyone was abandoning him, yet he didn't do anything wrong.

Lance kept spinning the story for himself, yet deep down he knew everything he was hearing was right. The fact Hunk no longer wanted to be friends with him honestly stung as did the fact Hunk pointed out some very hard truths. Lance distracted himself by the thought of finding Allura, but he clung to the idea she had indeed chosen him and that he 'd not given her any choice.

"I hate you."

Lance froze where he stood. He'd heard these words from Allura when she woke up, but these words instead came from Pidge. He turned and looked at the girl. "You too?

"You're a moron."

"Seriously! Why do you have to degrade me like that!"

"Fact. You do stupid things, but you shouldn't talk about others degrading you when you do it yourself. You're a moron because you were focused on the fact another person doesn't like you but didn't bother asking why." Pidge looked like she wanted to cry.

"Why? Everyone likes Keith more, but for some reason, he's more important than me."

"No. It's because you've got this need to be the most important person in the room and can't stand when you're not the center of attention."

"That's not true!"

"You said, and I quote, 'there is no way anybody else could be torn up about all of this as much as I am' in reference to Allura."

"Well, that's true."

"It's not."

"What I said was that Keith..."

"There you go singling out Keith and treating him as if he is a lesser person."

"Because he is!"

"Keith is not a lesser person than you."

"He's the one who thinks he's better than me!"

"He doesn't."

"Everyone thinks he's better than me."

"You're confusing Keith's abilities which factually outclass yours as an indicator of measuring a person's value or lack thereof and completely leave out the fact everyone is equal as a person. Even me of a scientific mind know being the better person – a better person – means doing the right thing, so effectively you are saying we think you are a person who would not do the right thing and Keith is. Well, that is now factually right."

"Excuse me?"

"You had the choice of being the better person, the person who did the right thing."

"In other word's better than Keith."

"No, thinking that automatically makes you not the better person. There isn't in the universe one singular person who will do the right thing but a multitude of people meaning that there are multiple better people out there. However, you decided to kill us rather than doing the right thing."

"It was to save Allura."

"So you could be with her despite the fact she didn't want to be with you."

"Seriously! Why is it everyone says I'm not good enough for Allura."

"It's not a matter of being good enough but being the right person, but more importantly I've always thought it was weird that she was going out with you."

"Why the hell would you think that?"

"Because she's always liked, Keith."

"That's not true! She hated him because he was Galra."

"Allura was trying to avoid her feelings for him, but in the long run ended up chasing him away. That led her to rebound to Lotor and then rebounding from him to you."

"I am not a rebound!" Lance glanced around. "You know, this is about the time Keith's ghost shows up and tells me Allura killed somebody else."

"What?" Pidge's eyes blinked. "Who has she killed?"

"So far Veronica, Romelle, Kolivan..."

"What do you remember!"

"Why is that important?"

"Because Allura is going to kill again!"

"Yeah right. Keith was lying."

"Humor me." Pidge let out a deep breath of annoyance. "Tell me how this all started and what happened next.

"So, I woke up and walked into an evil Slav and got the blade I killed all of you with."

"Yet you didn't stop and think about the fact you labeled him as evil?"

"Well, no."

"Next I asked Veronica about what corruption was."

"So the first of Allura's victims."



"I killed Keith and then ran into Romelle."

"Let me guess, the next person you ran into who you didn't kill was Kolivan."


"And who was the person after that?"

"Matt. Why?"

"Quiznak!" Pidge took off. "Because of you, she's going to kill my brother!"

"Hey! If Allura is killing people it's her doing!"

"Not when you corrupted her!"

Lance hurried after Pidge thinking her ghost was nuts. They arrived at Matt's quarters only to find his body hanging. Keith and Matt were sitting there. "Really? You committed suicide?"

"I did not!" Matt looked up while Keith did as well. Keith has a look of horror on his face, while Pidge glared at Lance.

"It's my fault."

"Keith, I'm telling you it's not."

"Oh yes, it is! Seriously, why is it everyone is..."

Keith bolted from the room while Matt and Pidge glared at him. Matt said, "You're a monster."

"I am not!"

"You are," Pidge stated.

"Yeah. You said she was ugly, but mocked her for..." Matt paused. "Yeah, I won't repeat that."

Pidge said, "And this is your fault."

"I wanted to..."

"Stop." Matt glared at him before looking at his sister. "Pidge, let's move on."


"Hey! Don't leave..." Lance found himself alone with Matt's dead body. Realization hit. He was alone because he'd pushed everyone away, yet as the others said he'd not given them a choice. It was always an all or nothing where he'd taken, but never gave anything back.

Yet, despite all of this he hated Keith still. He couldn't get past the fact Keith always had what he wanted. It was harder though to throw a pity party for himself when he knew everyone was right, yet he didn't know how to fix things.

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