6|| Conversations

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Negan's POV
"So let me get this straight, this group called the highway men, just randomly show up one day, wanting to control the roads?" Rick looks at me skeptically but that's to be expected.

We get along for the sake of y/n and Jr. but he doesn't completely forgive me for what I did to him and his people early on, it's our mutual respect for one another and love for y/n that has gotten us to the point where we can sit in his living room and have a civil conversation.

"I know this all sounds bat shit crazy and don't get me wrong, I just laughed them off in the beginning but now things are escalating"

"Escalating, like how?" His eyes narrow and I can tell I have his full attention now.
"They showed up at my fucking front doorstep, hurling passive-aggressive threats around"
"No one got hurt, did they?"
"No, but it won't be like that for long. Their dog-face leader mentioned y/n"
Ricks face instantly becomes beaming red. He stands practically with smoke blowing through his ears.
"What did he say about her exactly?"

"That's the thing about it, he didn't say anything explicitly but the harm was definitely fucking implied. There should be no way he should even know about her"

He paces back-and-forth like I wanted to when I was face to face with the bastard.

"What about Jr.?"

I wasn't gonna tell him about this part in particular but since he asked I can't really lie to him about it.
"He did mention him but it probably was because I had him with me"

"Seriously, what the hell Negan!"

Great, now all his anger is going to get put on me instead of the ass-wipe responsible for all this bullshit.

"He's your son for god's sake, he could've gotten hurt!"

"He wasn't in danger, They came more to test the waters than to actually get shit started"

"That still doesn't excuse it, anything could've happened to my grandson! I'm pretty sure my daughter had a lot to say about it"

This definitely isn't going anything like how I anticipated.

"I didn't come here to argue. We need to come up with a plan and fast!"

Rick sits back down then deeply inhales and exhales. "I will get two groups together, one to go to hilltop and the other to go to the kingdom, we need to spread the word as quickly as possible"

I nod and listen to what else he has in mind.

"You go back and protect my daughter and the baby.
Getting all the leaders together will take at least a day. I'll send someone your way when I work out the details."

"Alright, that sounds solid" I stand and walk towards the door to leave but first I turn around and thank him.
He nods and offers a small smile that quickly fades into a frown.

"Why did you name him Negan Junior?" Lucas asks me as we both sit watching a children's cartoon in my room.
"Isn't It obvious, he looks just like him". I glance down at my son and squeeze his chubby cheeks as he sleeps.
"I guess so, I mean I thought he made you or something" He looks at me sympathetically.

"He wouldn't do that. He's not the same towards me as he is with everyone else".

"Well, that's good, I've always been kind of worried about you." His stare focuses down into his lap as if he's ashamed.

"It's alright, I get where you're coming from. I know you haven't been around long so you don't know our history"

"Yeah I shouldn't have made assumptions, I'm sorry."

I place my hand over his to show him that he hasn't offended me.
"It wasn't always like this though, actually when I first came here it wasn't by choice."

His head shoots up and his face is filled with shock. "You're kidding right?"

"No, honestly, to make a long story short, he took me from my group to force them into working for him and over time we grew attached to each other, I know it sounds weird but that's just how it happened"

"Wow, I didn't expect that type a story" he nervously chuckles.

"You're lucky you came along after I convinced him to stop he ironing people".

"That's what happened to Dwight right?"

"Yeah," I say in a low voice, thinking of Dwight instantly brings my mood down. I feel like I've never completely admitted to myself how much I screwed him over.

"Are you okay, y/n?"

I nod my head, "it's just hitting me, how much shitty things I've done"

Lucas scoots closer to me, "you haven't done any more shitty things than the rest of us"

His compassionate nature is enough to warm my heart.
I smile at him and he smiles back.

Neither of us hears the door open over the volume of the TV as we relax, enjoying the ending of the show until the sound of someone obnoxiously
pretending to clear their throat scares us into turning around.

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