15|| The Newest Recruit

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My hands and my ankles ache in agony, the blood circulation cut off from the tight hug of the ropes.

All I can do is stare up at the ceiling, thinking about what stupid decisions have led me to this point. My eyes are tired from all the crying I've been doing for the last couple of hours. All I can do is hope I get out of this alive.

Luckily, Lucas hasn't come back yet.

I don't want him to see me this way, I've been broken before and I don't want to go through it again. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing what he's done to me.

The thought of escape did cross my mind a few times but I know it's almost impossible. He has this place completely locked down now, not to mention the fact that he said something about his 'boss' coming here.

Just as I'm about to doze off again, the shifting of the doorknob shakes me back to attention.
The incoming voices tell me that Lucas isn't alone this time.

"Well hello there, ma'am, you must be y/n" The highway men's leader greets, strutting into the room like he owns the place.

I look up at him with pure terror and recognition, he's the man that showed up to the Sanctuary unannounced.

He steps closer to me, using his hand to push a strand of hair out of my face, "you're just as beautiful as I've been told" he chuckles, glancing at Lucas.

"When's the last time she ate?"

"I couple of hours ago, she was a little bitchy earlier so I let her go hungry for a bit," He says looking down at me.

Lucas and his boss, exchange a few looks back and forth before the attention is put back on me.

"So what's gonna happen here is that I'm gonna ask you a few questions, and if you answer me truthfully I'll take those ropes off you and give you something to eat" The man now bends down to my level, face-to-face with me.

My breath catches in my throat, I can't bring myself to say anything.

"Lucas, I think I'm going to need some alone time with our newest recruit" he covertly orders him,
not taking his eyes off me for even a second.

"Sure", he obediently follows command.

The man waits for the door to shut before continuing to speak.

"I know you're probably scared shitless right now but let me explain somethings. I'm Ozzy and the highway men our my people. They listen to me, without question. So when I tell you that none of my soldiers will hurt you, you can believe that"

I still say nothing, though I'm more at ease knowing that their leader isn't some psychopath.

"You're from Alexandria, so you must know-"
Before he can finish the sentence, I interrupt, "I'm not telling you a goddamn thing about them!"

Hearing him mention the place I used to come home brings an instant shot of confidence. My eyes that were once teary are now filled with fury.

"Woah, calm down! I didn't expect the first words out of your mouth to be so aggressive" he lightheartedly confesses.

"You're not gonna get any information out of me, you're wasting your time" I try to keep on my tough face but deep down I'm having a hard time.

He grabs my cheeks, forcing a staring match, " If this was any other time I would punish you for an outburst like that but since we just met and you don't really know how I operate, I'll let it slide" he lets go of me and I jerk my head away from him.

"Lucas, come untie her!" He yells in the direction of the door.

"Coming sir" Lucas rushes in with a knife in hand.

"When you're done, get packed up, we're heading out"
The cold barrel of his gun pushes against my back as he marches me out the back door.
"Keep walking, don't try anything stupid" Lucas antagonizes me as we approach a big black van.

He opens the door to the backseat and roughly pushes me in.

"Hello, again" Ozzy smiles, looking at me from the passenger seat.

I roll my eyes at him, then bury my head into my lap.
I have to keep it together if I want to come out of this with my sanity.

Lucas gets in next to me, squishing me between another man on the opposite side.

Being stuck in the middle them puts the fear of God in me. I know how these situations tend to work, I'm outnumbered 4 to 1.

"I-I thought you all only rode on horses"

Ozzy laughs loudly, "oh no honey, that's all bullcrap. It makes people think we're not a threat"

The unknown man next to me also adds his two cents, "people think we're just some low life wannabe cowboys, they would never guess that we actually have a community twice as big and protected as the ones in this area"

My eyes widen at the realization that Negan has absolutely no idea what he's up against. The Highwaymen have the biggest advantage in the world, and that is that they're underestimated by their enemies.

"Avoid all the main roads, Negan's men are definitely out today" The leader instructs the driver as the engine starts.

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