8|| Secret Weapon

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Negan's POV
"What the fuck, I thought we had an agreement!  Ozzy yells, as his people are held at gunpoint. He must be crazy if he thought I was going to bow down to his demands. I'm handling this my way now, y/n is just going to have to deal with it.

"Did you really think trespassing on my territory was going to be tolerated?" I laugh standing in front of him as he's on his knees.

We both glare at each other, waiting for the other to make a move.

This shit-for-brains got too comfortable. He let us walk right in here not even thinking for a second that we might've come for a fight. He probably was hoping he was going to get his ass kissed some more.

"Lucas, is all their shit load up yet?

"Yeah, they ain't have much"

"You don't want to do this Negan" The broken down leader warns, clenching his jaw.

"Be quiet!" Lucas shouts bringing the gun barrel closer to his head. I look at Lucas and nod, showing my approval. He's still on my shit list for the stunt he pulled last night but I got to give it to him he's really stepping up these days.

"You don't get it, do you? you're not in control anymore! I own you now and all your people" god damn it feels good to say those words, it's been so long since I've got to do this.

"Back to your old ways I see, just like y/n was afraid of" Ozzy chuckles, with the look of satisfaction and vengeance plastered on his face.

My body goes into full shock causing my response to be delayed. "how do you know about her?" Is all I ask. My grip on Lucille tightens but I know I shouldn't do anything until I figure out how he's getting this information.

"I have my ways and if you want to keep her safe, you would leave before something happens that can't be undone" his voice becomes more confident as he realizes that he has the upper hand.

I go silent for a couple of seconds trying to pick my next words wisely, " if anything happens to her I swear to God-"
"Oh don't worry, you're little Princess will be fine...
As long as nothing happens to me"

This bastard! He had this planned the entire time. He waited until I thought this was over to reveal his secret weapon. He's not as dumb as I thought he was, he anticipated that I was going to eventually push back. 

"Now, give us back our stuff and leave!"

"When we get back, get everybody together for a meeting. I have a feeling Lucille is going to be thirsty today" I order Lucas, as we are driving back to the sanctuary.

These so-called "highway men"  have gone too far.  I was completely humiliated in front of my men. I have never rolled over for anyone until today but I had no choice if we would have taken their shit, it would've put my family in even more danger than they already are.

I'm feeding Jr. when I hear a frantic knock on my bedroom door. "Negan is back, he wants everyone to go out front for a meeting" The unknown voice shouts from the other side.
"Umm Okay, I'll be there in a second" I furrow my eyebrows, this can't be good.
The panicked voice doesn't reply, but I hear their footsteps quickly travel through the hall trying to spread the word. 
"Sweet pea, We have to go outside for a little bit but it'll be fun I promise" I kiss him on the cheek before putting him in his stroller.

By the time we make it outside, all of the Sanctuary is already here so instead of going onto the balcony with Negan I decide to stay in the crowd.

"Now that everybody's here, we got some important shit to get straight" Negan announces as he paces back-and-forth.
His voice is intimidating, not like it normally is, but in a more intense way.

Looking up onto the balcony, I notice Lucas, it takes me by surprise considering how pissed off Negan was last night. I wave at him to get his attention, we make eye contact but he doesn't wave back.

"I know we recently went over this shit but this time we're getting to the nitty-gritty" Negan continues with his speech. "we have a traitor on our hands!",

With only those few words the crowd suddenly gets loud with some gasping and others angrily swearing. 

"but luckily for all of you, I figured out a way to weed them out,"

The look in his eyes makes my stomach turn, 'Ruthless Negan' is officially back now.

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