23|| Getting Close

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When I get back to my room, I crash on my bed. Today was a long day, between the interrogation and meeting the council, I'm truly exhausted.

I pull the covers over my body, resting my head on a soft pillow. The only thoughts on my mind being that of Jr. and Negan.

I don't have high hopes for tomorrow, Bryant said that his men will get my son but I don't think it'll happen and quite honestly now that I've had time to think about it I don't know if I would want him here.

I forcibly shut my eyelids, trying to calm the roaming voices in my head. Tonight isn't gonna be an easy night for me but I know I should get some rest.

A couple of minutes go by of me laying in the dark before I slowly fade into dreamland, my conscience leaving my body to go on to something better.

Negan's POV

I can't believe this shit is happening, I think to myself, as I walk to our bedroom.
With each day that goes by I feel like I'm losing her more and more.

I can't live without her, and I couldn't live with myself knowing that I didn't protect her.

I take a deep breath before opening the door, dreading having to face my son without his mother.

"Hey, little man" I walk over to my son's crib and kiss him on the forehead, "I know it must suck having to be with me all day but you need to go to sleep, daddy is getting mommy back, I promise"
I lift him into my arms and carry him as I go to sit on my bed waiting to hear back from Simon or Rick.

Jr. looks up at me and giggles as I gaze into his eyes that look just like mine.

"fuck, you're so lucky you're a baby. You don't have a care in the world" I smile at his innocence.

I ponder on what to do with him. It's way too late from him to still be awake but he hasn't been sleeping as much since y/n was taken. This is all starting to take a toll on him too.

I start to doze off when suddenly the static of my walkie talkie shakes me awake.

"Negan are you there?" Rick's voice comes through.

"Yeah" I lift myself off the bed in anticipation.

"they're on the move again. We'll follow them as long as we can but we're running out of gas" 

"Shit! how many miles out are you?"

"At least 60, hopefully, we'll be there soon," Rick says with worry.

"Ok, let me know if you need back up" I rub my hand over my face in frustration.

"I will,"

I put the walkie talkie down on to my nightstand. "I have a feeling we're getting close to finding her," I say smiling at Jr. as he aimlessly crawls around the bed.


The next morning...

"We've been through this time and time again! Protocol was put into effect to keep this place hidden"

I'm abruptly woken up by the sound of Bryant yelling.

I rub my eyes, still feeling tired from the night before.

"Sir. we were careful. We made sure no one was following us"
I recognize this voice as Lucas.

What is going on?, They must not know how thin these walls are here.

"With y/n being here we can't risk anything! It takes one mistake to ruin this whole operation!"

Hearing my name alarms me. I need to find out what exactly went down last night.

I stand and quietly walk over to the wall that I share with Bryant's room, pressing my ear up against it. 

"I'm calling a council meeting to deal with this, I suggest you go find your team and have a talk with them"

After he says this, everything goes silent then I hear his door open and close.

Whatever Lucas did must've been really bad to make Bryant go off like that.

My first instinct is to stay in my room and pretend I didn't hear anything but maybe I should go over and try to talk to him about it.

I think deeply for a moment, running through all the pros and cons of each choice.

I soon come to the decision, since he's so friendly to me he'll probably give me some information.

I quickly put on my shoes, still wearing the same clothes, and walk over to the room next to mine.

"Hello, Bryant?" I softly knock.

The door flies open, revealing the man's red face.

"Um, good morning" I smile at him sweetly.

My body starts to tremble in fear at his expression but I try to put on a cheerful attitude.

He deeply inhales then exhales, his face turning back to its normal color.

"Did my yelling, wake you?"

I nod.

"I'm sorry y/n, it's just hard keeping everything together. People don't want to play by the rules, no matter how many chances I give them"  he explains in a sympathetic tone.

"It's okay, it's like this at the Sanctuary too" I reassure him.

"Yeah, I guess that's just how the world is. Anyways do you-"
His question is interrupted by the voice of an older woman.

"Well, hello there, y/n. You ready for your first day of work?" Mildred asks approaching from down the hallway.

"Umm sure" I reply slowly, watching as a wave of disappointment washes over Bryant's face.

"Good morning Mildred" He quickly shakes his emotions and turns to greet the woman.

She nods at him then continues talking to me, "come with me, I'll show you what you'll be doing"
She grabs my hand, making me slightly uncomfortable but I don't show it.

As we make our way down the hallway, Mildred turns around and waves to Bryant and he waves back to her before going back into his room.

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