Chapter 7

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The next day Troy had never been so anxious for something. the game was only a few hours away. but it seemed like it was taking  years for it to come. after school, the team rode in a bus together and Troy stayed quiet the whole time. focusing. he knew he had to score 3 goals! he tried to stay confident and not let his anxiousness get the better of him, like it had a habit of doing in the past.

after the bus ride that seemed to travel around the world 4 times.. it was finally game time. Troy and his team made their way to the bench.he looked into the crowd up behind his teams bench area and Eunjung and Soyeon were in attendance. Troy felt a smile begin to grow on his face.

He scurried back to the locker room and he got ready with the rest of his team. after getting suited up they all set out to take the ice. Troy was still a bit anxious and waited for his chance to get on the ice to come.

Troy fidgeted on the bench and when it was finally his time, he played cautiously, trying to calm his nerves. whether it was excitement or anxiousness he had to keep cool and not overdo it. as the game progressed. Troys team was off to a good start. by the end of the 1st period it was 2-1 with his team in the lead, but Troy had not scored a single goal, in fact he felt like he barely even touched the puck more than 3 times. he began to feel the pressure rising. he knew he still had to stay calm and not let it get to him. getting frustrated and trying too hard wouldnt make things easier. he knew however that he wasn't going to play the same way he did in the 1st period.

the 2nd period started and Troys miracle started taking shape, Hank had stolen a pass from the opposing team. Troy knew this was their chance to use the play they had practiced before. he signaled to Hank he was ready and open, and hank sent him the pass. Troy watched as the pass sailed almost perfectly toward his stick..

Troy wound up and slapped the puck hard and it sailed right passed the goalie scoring his first goal of the night. he skated passed Eunjung and Soyeon and held up 1 finger toward them before his team came over to him and they celebrated the goal.

after the goal Troy and his line went back to the bench to rest. Troys breathing began to slow down, and started realizing he could do it. there was still plenty of time left in the game. the opposing team seemed to be not in top form, Troy figured they might have alot on their mind as well, probably due to the increased fighting along the borders, effecting their morale. it was so close to their homes after all. He felt a bit bad for them but on the other hand, for Troy that just meant it would be easier for him to get his 3 goals and maybe a date with Soyeon.

When Troys line took the ice again, his confidence was beaming. he began to hog the puck just a little to ensure he got a step closer to his 3 goals

His selfishness paid off as Troy managed to skate passed the defenders and beat the goalie for a second time, notching a 2nd goal. Troy went back to the bench for the line change, Jang didnt seem to pleased with Troys puck hogging and ignoring his play-calling, but didnt say anything to him as he took the ice.

as the 2nd period came to a close, the team prepared for the final period. they were winning but knew the opposing team would come out hard in the 3rd.

the 3rd period was about to start and Jang, much to Troys surprise, sent out Troys line first, to take the face off. the 2 teams lined up and waited for the puck to be dropped, but the ref wasnt on the ice yet. they waited awkwardly with one another and the crowd murmured as the game was delayed. thunder-like booming could be heard outside the stadium

"i dont think thats thunder." an opposing player said. the teams started talking amongst themselves worriedly.

the crowd was getting rather uppity as well.

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