Chapter 11

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the next day troy seemed to be in a good mood, and everyone around him noticed. in homeroom Jiyeon and Hwayoung approved of what they heard from soyeon regarding his behavior on the date. Troy took it as a good sign. they approved of him. Troys teammates especially hank and Pryor were all full of envy. he was feeling on top of the world despite being an emotional wreck a few days ago. the day went by great things were looking up..

at the end of the day, Troy was boarding his bus, when Boram again made a surprise appearance.

"hey Troy, hold on a second." she said, panting out of breath. she had ran to catch up to him.

"what's up?" he asked, stepping down from the bus

"i hate to ask you to do this, but can you do me a favor and take this to Eunjung for me?" boram said, holding up a bunch of papers. "it's the work Eunjungs been missing.. im supposed to bring it to her but i have something else i have to take care of."

"hmm. i guess so." Troy said, taking the papers from her.

"thanks i knew i could count on you." Boram said tipping her head bowing slightly. "i'll see you later!"

Boram ran off as quickly as she showed up. troy looked through the papers. as he got on the bus and took his seat. instead of getting of at his stop he rode a bit further to get a bit closer to Eunjungs house. it was still a bit of a walk for him though.

Troy managed to find the complex in which Eunjung lived, and walked slowly to her apartment.

he hesitated before knocking. not sure to even himself why..

he knocked lightly, and waited for an answer. but he heard nothing.

"maybe no ones home?" he thought to himself. he knocked again to make sure.

"Eunjung, it's Troy." he said loudly through the door. "i have the school work you missed for you.. Boram told me to bring it."

he waited but still heard nothing.

"maybe i should just leave it in their mailbox." he thought as he looked down at the mailboxes below.

"if you're there im gonna leave them in the mailbox ok?" he said through the door again. as he took a step away, the door opened slowly. he turned to see Eunjung peeking her head out of the crack. her eyes were bloodshot, her hair a wacky mess and it looked like she had been crying in the dark for days.

"hey.. Eunjung. heres the work you've been missing." he said stepping to give her the paperwork.

she opened the door to accept the papers.

"how have you been?" Troy asked concerned. if he had to base it on her looks, he'd say not well.

Eunjung just took the papers and didnt respond.

"well i guess thats a dumb question huh" Troy said scratching his head.

"do you want to come in?" she asked with a dry, quiet voice.

"hmm well ok." he shrugged.

"thank you for this." eunjung said clearing her dry throat. "but i don't plan on doing any of it."

"im not your teacher. i cant tell you what to do." Troy laughed. "but i cant blame you i wouldnt want to  do it either if i were you."

Troy followed eunjung into her apartment and they went into her kitchen

Eunjungs apartment was much larger and nicer than Troys. he looked around at all the fancy furniture and appliances that were all so clean Troy could see his reflection in them all. he must have been too out of it to notice how nice it was last time he visited.

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