Chapter 16

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the Sunlight crept through the blinds on troys window. it poked through them and danced on Troys face. he squinted his eyes and rolled over, still tired from the crazy night before; he had a great time. he thought about what the future could hold for him and soyeon, but under all that, there was something else eating at him. Mou and Chads guest appearance at his apartment. they were not just there to talk to Troy. they didn't tell troy anything he didnt already know, for the most part anyway. Troy knew they were there to check on any potential targets themselves... Troy decided to roll out of bed and see what mess the party had left for him. as he opened his bedroom door, he noticed his bathroom light was on. who could be in his house? he thought, is it Mou snooping around? as far as he knew, all those attending the party had left the night before.he slowly walked to the door and put his ear against it. there was surely someone inside. he placed his hand on the doorknob and began to turn it gently and slowly. it wasn't locked.he thrust the door open to get the jump on the he entered the bathroom, Hwayoung stood there, fresh out of the shower. she held the towel covering her tightly and her eyes widened. Troy stood there, stunned as well, and eyes equally as wide. "T-Troy! what are you doing??!" she yelled at him with a shaky voice. her face was turning red.

"i...." troy was still stunned.

"dont just stand there get out!" she yelled again throwing a roll of toilet paper at hit him in the chest, and seemingly woke him from his daze.

"i.. im sorry!" he stammered as he backed out the door.

troy was still not sure what just happened, did it really happen."this isnt a bad dream is it?" Troy said with his back to the bathroom door.

"what do you mean 'bad dream'?" Hwayoung said kind of insulted. "if it was it would be one of the best you ever had jerk! and dont you know how to knock! jeez!"

"its my bathroom! i dont have to knock! what are you even doing here still?!" Troy shouted in a flusterHwayoung didnt answer. Troy finally composed himself somewhat and walked out to the living area. the room wasnt as messy as he thought it would be, but still some plates and empty cups and cans were scattered around.

"we're off to a good start today." Troy sighed to himself.before he got started on cleaning, Troy decided to eat. he went to his pantry and looked he sifted through the items, Hwayoung emerged from the hallway.

"morning" he said hearing her enter. "you want some breakfast?"he poked his head from the pantry and looked at Hwayoung, who was glaring back at him."what? i'm sorry ok? dont give me that look." he said, before quickly turning back into the pantry

"you better be." she said as she sat down at the table.Troy got a box of cereal from the pantry and then got 2 bowls and 2 spoons.

"i hope you like corn flakes." Troy said placing it all down on the table. "its all i got."hwayoung didnt look impressed but, a free meal was a free meal.
"so, whats up?" Troy asked as he filled their bowls.

"nothing why." hwayoung said watching him, and pushing the stray hairs out of her face.

"uhm, well you're here.." Troy stated. "and you didn't leave with all your friends last night."

"i just, fell asleep. i drank too much i guess." Hwayoung shrugged.

"you dont sound so convincing, but if you say so i'm not going to pry." Troy said, he poured some milk into the bowls.

"i still cant believe you tried to sneak a peek. wait til i tell Soyeon." Hwayoung said as she took her first spoonful.

Troy almost choked on his cereal as Hwayoung spoke those words.

"i told you its not like that!" he said milk dribbling from his chin. "i didnt know who it was!"

"so you just come in? and dont knock?" Hwayoung asked him

"i thought it was an intruder or something i had to get the jump!" troy pleaded innocently.

"an intruder... i see." Hwayoung said, almost believing him.

"y, yea." troy said calming down.

"so. Hyomin .. found something yesterday." Hwayoung suddenly said, she placed her spoon down.

Troy looked up from his bowl slowly, unsure of where she was going.".....when we all went outside. you were showing us your moped." she said calmly.

"yea...well what is it?" troy asked.

"i think you should ask her." Hwayoung said. "didn't you notice she left before anyone else... or were you too focused on Soyeon?""you make me sound like some obsessed weirdo. when you say it like that." Troy sighed. "but no i didn't notice, i haven't talked to Hyomin much lately and she seems mad at me or something, even though she says otherwise."

"i know that feeling." Hwayoung said picking up her spoon and swirling it in her cereal.

"what, Hyomin mad at you too?" Troy said with a slight hint of laughter.

"not just Hyomin." Hwayoung admitted

"you guys fight? you all seem so close. i find it hard to believe."

"even friends fight sometimes troy." hwayoung said glaring at him.

"yea but you're "tiaras" or whatever." Troy shrugged

"nobody is perfect." she replied.

"sorry, i was just saying .. you guys seem to get along so well. why would they be mad at you. you all were fine last night." Troy explained.

"well. remember when we talked in class that day. about Jang?" Hwayoung reminded him.

"oh you mean, how he was hiding something. and all the rumors?" Troy asked. "i thought after last night and the vigil, all that would be behind us."

"Troy. i'm young but i'm not stupid. its just not sitting well with me. the rumors about Jang arent the first time people have heard stories of things like that happening." Hwayoung said firmly.

"so you, believe the 'devil man' or whatever people saw is possible?"and even after everything i said, you still think Jang is connected in some way to that sort of phenomena?" Troy asked her again.

"Troy. there is more to you than what you put out there too." Hwayoung said. she placed her spoon down.

"well, i dont know how to respond to that." Troy didnt even want to respond to that.

"i just want to know the truth Troy." Hwayoung said getting up. "and if that makes me a bad friend, so be it."

"Hwayoung, wait." Troy said trying to stop her.

"thank you for the food. but i should be getting home." Hwayoung said placing her bag on her shoulder and fixing her hair.

"ill give you a ride." Troy offered.

"no thanks, i could use the time alone." Hwayoung said heading to the door. "you should talk to Hyomin..."

"just tell me what she found." Troy told her.

"Troy just ask her yourself 'cause i don't know. why are you so concerned anyway?" Hwayoung said before leaving.

"im not! its you who brings it up and being cryptic about it and stuff." Troy explained throwing his hands up in frustration.

"or are you afraid of what she found?" Hwayoung said looking him in the eyes.

"what would i have to be afraid of?" Troy said, looking directly back at her

"i dont know Troy. and i really dont know what exactly what Hyomin found. i just figured id let you know" Hwayoung said opening the door. "ill see you at school."Hwayoung walked out the door shutting it behind her, leaving Troy alone in his apartment. Hwayoung still had her suspicion about Jangs death and he realized no words could change her mind. he wasn't exactly too concerned about what she said about Hyomin either. afterall what could she possibly know. the only person Troy was immediately concerned about was Boram. she had seen Mou and him interact before, and has her suspicions about Mou. but even that wasn't enough to fret about. Troy got started on cleaning up the party clutter from the night before, it didn't take him long and when he was done he took a shower. after getting dressed he sat alone on his couch. he just sat there in silence. it seemed like it had been awhile since he sat down and had free time. in fact, he felt bored. his mind wandered and his eyes followed. they made their way to his phone. he looked at it for awhile, wondering if he should call Soyeon. would it be too early or should he wait a day or 2. he didn't want to see pushy.. or obsessed. Troy was still trying to leave the stalker nickname he got behind... he wasn't even sure what to ask her. he figured he'd think of something, have actual plans in store for a date first. it was Soyeon who had pretty much made the arrangements for their first date, so he figured it was his turn to step up. however Troy didnt know where to start... even though he and Soyeon had gotten closer, he realized he didn't know all that much about her when it comes to what she likes to do in her free time. luckily he some people he could get in touch with to help him. ultimately Troy decided to just spend the day being lazy and take some time for himself before having to go back to school the next day.

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