chapter 49

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The morning sun shaded by grey clouds broke through troys curtains. Troy however was already wide awake. He didnt sleep much the night before, if at all. He wasnt even sure himself. He thought should he bother going back to school at all. Did he say too much? Did he go too far? but deep down he knew, he had gone farther than this already and he managed to come out of it. Troys eyes found themselves on the crystal figurine he had purchased Soyeon. and while his thoughts briefly went to hwayoung and his treatment of her, they quickly were pushed aside for thoughts of Soyeon. He knew he had to try to salvage their relationship. With everything going on around him, and Soyeon telling troy to back off, he just wasnt sure if it was the right time. But if not now, then when? he didnt want to miss his chance to fix things, especially with Jun lingering over the dying relationship like a vulture. After a quick shower, Troy got his uniform on and stood in front of his mirror.

"I don't know anything about Hyomin." he said to himself as if he was memorizing a line or getting ready for a play. he fixed his shirt collar.
"Hwayoung has an overactive imagination. her best buddy jiyeon would agree" he said again.
"im PRETTY certain i am not gay." he cocked his head to the side.
"and as for soyeon..." he was interrupted by a knock on his door.
"who is it?" he shouted down the hall.

"you know who it is, now open this door and get your behind to school!" boram shouted from the other end. "youre not skipping out again, as your senior i wont allow it!"

"relax. the sun is just rising and youre already in top gear." Troy said opening the door. Borams face was scrunched in frustration.

"dont tell me to relax! you need to get you act together." boram folded her arms.

"my act is together. youre all haggard and yelling for no reason." troy showed her inside and sat her at the table. "id offer you coffee but i think youve had enough already. o and i dont have any or know how to make it."

"no reason? no reason? we have the competiton coming up and eunjung is missing! our friend is missing troy. she still hasnt come home!" boram raved. she slammed her hands on his table.

"she will come home, shes been through so much.. she just needs to.." Troy thought of something to say.

"hey im not done, then i have this other friend who i took under my wing and hes just acting all rebellious skipping school and ruining his relationship with his girlfriend, another friend of mine." she ranted some more.

"dont even go there, i didnt ruin anything with Soyeon! i feel terrible about what happened! and as far as skipping school it was a one time thing. i dont even care anymore. Hyomin thinks im gay. HA HA. yes i was a little embarrassed at first but here i am, on my way to face a brand new day." Troy argued back.

"i wont let you lose the opportunity you were given here Troy." Boram said lowering her tone.

"i appreciate that. thank you for being here for me. even when i dont need it." he smirked.

"so, are you sure youre ok? You and Hwayoung seemed pretty intense yesterday." she asked.

"yea. i should probably apologize to her. i kinda took out my frustration with hyomin out on her." troy groaned and rolled his eyes.

"hyomin thought you were interested in her before you went full soyeon mode." boram confessed.

"all the rumors of you being a smooth talking city guy.. then she finds a note from your friend mou..." boram explained

"so she thought i was just showing interest in every girl, so i didnt appear to be gay. i get it." Troy nodded in acceptance. "im not mad about it. and i am not mad at hwayoung because i pushed her to say those things."

"well its nice to hear you say that troy." Boram smiled.

"well, i had a long night and plenty of time to think." Troy yawned.

"now we just need to get you and soyeon back together." she stood up and slapped him on the back playfully.

"you miss seeing us so happy together?" troy asked.

"honestly, no. dont you remember, seeing you guys act the way you do together makes me sick. but when soyeon made food for you she would always give the leftovers to me. now that she isnt anymore i have nothing to eat!" she tapped her knuckles on the top of his head.

"food before friends." Troy sighed.

"hey at least everyone is on the same page about where my priorities are." Boram said content with herself. "I cant say the same about you."

"my priorities... are..." Troy paused and thought for a second. he stared blankly into space.

"point. proven." boram moved her head up and down as she spoke each word. "now lets go."

"but its still kinda early." Troy told her. "and you didnt even give me a chance to think of my priorities."

"you shouldn't have to think about them troy. stop stalling and come on lets goooo." boram started to drag him to the door by his arm. "i woke up early to get you so now you have to buy me breakfast."

"what? im not buying you anything! you came here on your own! if anything you should buy me some. cheer up your friend whos all depressed.. you know?" Troy tried to sway the the situation in his favor.

"keep dreaming. now get your skinny butt out the door. lazy womanizing city boy stalker." she gave Troy a hard shove out his front door. "Oh yea. and youre gay now too."

"do you want me to go to school?" Troy said defiantly

"you say that like you actually think you have a choice. thats so cute." Boram smiled. Troy let out a small grunt and hopped on his moped with boram. They drove off to get some breakfast. Later at school things were going well. Rumors about Troys sexuality were still abuzz, but he didnt care, and he knew they would be put to rest in a few days. or, he hoped. He didnt have any awkward run ins with Hwayoung either. He was waiting for Hyomin questions to start popping up, but no one asked. he didnt here anyone even mention her. Though, no one really knew eunjung was missing either. they all just assumed she was still taking time off because she wasnt fully over Jang. troy seemed to be in the clear, yet relief wasnt the feeling. The burning, haunting somewhat stomach churning seed that had been planted the day Jang died, had a new partner...After the day ended, Troy remembered he had Agriculture club. he was set on bailing and heading home, avoiding any body he didnt have to talk to. After school activities werent going to help him keep a low profile. but he decided to keep up with appearances, and attend. Narsha put him right to work with the others. Troy started to dig some holes to plant saplings in the schools courtyard. He was focused on the task and kept quiet. he didnt notice his club-mate Sunhwa across from him, striking different poses.

"the rumors must be true." she quipped as Hyuna placed a Sapling in the hole troy freshly dug.

"Sunhwa, Shh! hes right there." Hyuna told her to keep quiet.

"i'm not gay." Troy said moving on to the next spot and slammed the shovel into the dirt.

"you didnt even notice my sexy poses! and im irresistable!" Sunhwa said with confidence.

"oh, i thought you pulled a muscle or something." Troy responded, causing Hyuna to cackle.

"Hyuna! thats not funny!" Sunhwa said embarrassed.

"to be honest, your poses werent that sexy." Hyuna admitted.

"look sunhwa, youre cute. But, theres only one girl for me." Troy smiled.

"Eunjung?" Sunhwa asked. Troy missed his mark with the shovel, and nearly face planted in the dirt.

"NO! not eunjung!" Troy brushed the dirt off his knees.

"So, youre gay?" sunhwa pondered and looked to hyuna, was on the verge of hysterics.

"NO! i meant Soyeon!" Troy shouted. "you know what! you dig! i need a break!" Troy tossed the shovel to Sunhwa and stormed off. he went back inside to get a drink from the water fountain and as he stepped inside he ran into Sunny and Hyomin... He froze and his jaw dropped.

"youre here?" Troy said with a slight mumbly studder. hyomin cocked her eyebrow at him. her look indicated small amounts of disgust.

"Troy.. you got a little.." sunny pointed to her chin, pointing out a small amount of dribble that leaked out of Troys gaping mouth.

"yes Troy, im here! sorry to disappoint you! god!" Hyomin raged. Troy quickly wiped the drool from his chin.

"No, im just.. "

"I DONT CARE TROY!" Hyomin said stomping off.

"hi troy, bye troy!" Sunny ran off after her. "he cant be gay Hyomin, he was drooling over you!" troy heard sunny as she caught up to hyomin. he just shook his head. instead of getting water, troy ran to the schools public payphone and quickly tried to call Mou. no answer. he tried again and again, but Mou was not answering.

"damn him! hes always breathing down my neck and when i actually need him he cant be found!" he slammed the phone down. Troy rejoined his club members outside and they finished planting a few more saplings before cleaning up and getting ready to leave..

"good job today everyone. these saplings will look great for the coming generations of students. this is our legacy!" Narsha said proudly with her hands on her hips.

"we need to add more to our legacy then." Hyuna stated.

"this is just one small example of our legacy. there is still more for us to do. think of all the crops we planted earlier this year." Sunny encouraged them.

"yea if they werent destroyed by the miserable weather we've been getting this year." Hyuna whined.

"relax, it will be fine. lets just continue to work hard." Troy chimed in.

"thats right, dont give up!" Narsha put her arm around troy. the group nodded together. They then started to part ways.

"Hey sunny, do you want to come over tonight?" hyomin asked."i cant, im busy tonight." Sunny declined her offer. "sorry"

"no problem." Hyomin said let down. her shoulder drooped as sunny ran off.

"Hey, you need a ride home?" Troy asked her out of the blue.

"a ride? from you?" id rather cut off my arms and legs and wriggle home like a worm!!" hyomin fumed. "were you sniffing pesticides out there?"

"what i was TRYING to get across was, theres no hard feelings. you might have developed an opinion of me, wrongly i might add, but i dont think badly of you, in fact i think youre pretty cool. plus your best friends with Soyeon whom i care about very much." Troy declared to her.

"wow troy. i kind of want to believe you, but for some reason behind that somewhat shady and poor apology attempt im sure theres some underlining ulterior motive. so take your ride and drive it off a bridge!" hyomin said pushing him away.

"okay you need to calm down." troy said giving her some space.

"ill be calm when Eunjung comes back and stop playing games with me and my friends!" she slapped at him catching him on the chin as he tried to get out of the way. "now leave me alone!"

"alright walk then! sorry i asked!" troy said adjusting his uniform after the scuffle. he marched off to his parked moped. Troy got home and changed into all black clothes. he then mounted his moped and took off. Again he found himself camped out hyomins house. he hid suspiciously in the dark keeping watch waiting for hyomin to come home. She finally arrived, walking alone down the sidewalk. as she walked under the last flickering street lamp, Troy stealthily darted across the street behind her and grabbed her left arm and covered her mouth. she tried to scream but her attempt was muffled by Troys hand. he held her tight as she kicked and struggled to get free. He fought her and dragged her to the side of her house, which was almost completely covered by darkness.

"SHHH!" troy said forcibly. "shush! calm down and shut up!" he wrestled her to the floor as she continued to writhe about. "god you really are wriggly like a worm!" he said holding her down. "listen! im not going to hurt you!" she rocked as hard as she could to get away.
"im going to uncover your mouth but you better not scream! just listen to what i have to say!" Troy urged her to listen. he let go of her mouth carefully, and hyomin bit his hand. "URGH!" troy moaned, keeping himself from yelling. Hyomin then started slapping him continously.

"dont scream? DONT SCREAM? how is this for NOT SCREAMING YOU CREEPY JERK!" she shouted. troy grabbed her wrists and held them by her side.

"You idiot, im here to help you!" Troy said quietly but with anger.

"help me what? get assaulted?" Hyomin said falling to her butt and trying to kick at Troy.

"i cant say why but you need to go away for awhile." troy said, his focus was less on hyomin now as he was looking back down to the street.

"what are you kidding? is this some kind of joke? a prank to get back at me for what i said about you? leave town or else? youve lost your mind." Hyomin said wanting to laugh.

"this isnt a joke. this isnt a game. im as serious as ive ever been." Troy said letting her go. he put his finger over his lips and pushed her down onto her stomach, he laid down on top of her.

"Troy, seriously. youre scaring me."

"quiet!" he said under his breath. "they're out there, we need to get you out of here."

"im not going anywhere but inside my house to call the police if you don't go away!" Hyomin said pushing troy off and getting up. "god now im all itchy from the grass and have to shower, youre a real piece of work troy. freak!"

"hyomin just listen please!" troy scrambled after her.

"and just wait til soyeon heres about this, youre chances with her are looong gone now! great thinking!" hyomin ranted as she opened her front door. Troy lunged and stopped her from closing him out.

"Troy go home! im seriously calling the police." she said.

"youre coming with me!" he pushed the door as hard as he could sending hyomin falling to the floor. he landed on top of her and they wrestled, slapping and rolling across hyomins floor like they were in a wrestling competition, until a light snapped on and they stopped in their tracks. they looked up to see Mou standing over them.

"MOU?" Troy said in shock.

"Troy...?" he was just as confused.

"whats you boyfriend doing here? oh.. dont tell me..." Hyomin continued to panic.

"boyfriend?" mou asked.

 "dont ask." Troy rolled his eyes.

"so are you 2 about to..." mou waved his eyebrows up and down.

"we're about to get punched in the face!" hyomin shouted, clocking troy clean in the side of the head, sending him falling to the floor. "and now we are calling the police! sorry to spoil the party you 2 wierdos! and i dare you to try to stop me!" she raised her fists like she was ready to fight Mou too. Mou didnt try to stop hyomin as she left the room, he helped troy up instead.

"taking matters into your own hands?" he asked troy.

"i could say the same to you." Troy rubbed his temple where hyomin had hit him.

"hey you called me. remember?"

"well i didnt think youd do this sort of thing personally. just thought you'd orchestrate it." Troy explained. his head throbbed from hyomins haymaker.

"i do what i have to. but we have this problem under control now. better be on your way." Mou said helping troy toward the back door.

"no no no no. no. wait." troy said in protest.

"troy, do you want to blow this whole operation! i thought you needed this girl taken care of!" mou questioned him.

"there's been a change of plans." Troy said boldly.

"what? you cant change the plan now! its too late for that! now go!" mou pushed troy towards the door. troys mind raced as his feet skid along the floor as mou pushed him.

"hyomin is a target candidate." he blurted in desperation.

"wait. what?" mou asked. "i thought... but you said on the phone."

"i know. i said that to get you out here quicker." troy said turning to him."i would have came just as fast for something this important you moron!" mou went to hit him but held back.

"I know, i just got.. too anxious. sorry." troy apologized. "i want to be a part of this taking her in."

"what, no you need to stay here. you cant just leave. theres a process in order." mou denied his request with a look of disapproval.

"this girl is close to me, she will cooperate if im there. it will make everything easier." troy pleaded.

"troy, this target is our concern now. you go back to school and once the paperwork is in sorted, you can come back in if you want." mou backed out of the room. Troy stood there trying to think of something. he finally went to follow mou who was already by the front door. troy looked around. Hyomin wasnt in the house anymore.

"she got away?" troy asked looking out the door over Mou. mou shook his head no.
"the target is on its way to be examined. nice work troy." he replied happily and went back to troy to shake his hand. Troy just looked at him in disbelief.
"this is what we've worked for all this time. assuming this is the right target..." Mou said making sure troy was sure of his judgement.

"shes the one. im sure." Troy said summoning every ounce and fiber in his body to sound convincing.

"then, im sure everyone will be eager to see the results." Mou pat troys arm. "id leave out the back if i were you." he smirked before leaving out the front door. Troy stepped backward, in a sort of trance. he still wasnt sure if what just happened, really happened. did he really just say and do what he did? did he really hand over Hyomin to be taken? he stumbled over some of Hyomins furniture. his breaths were getting quicker and shorter as he began to slowly come to his senses. he ran out Hyomins back door and back to his moped as quickly as he could...

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