See Me

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jeon jungkook had always been a jealous boy

it was not that kind of jealous where he would make a fight of it but simply keeps quiet about it and let it slowly consumes him even though some of it hurts him

and sometimes, it can kill a person's emotions too. why?

because he feels that sometimes he doesn't belongs there, feels like somewhere else

besides, he was just an adopted child. that was what he always reminded himself.

10 years old

jungkook was 10 years old when he first got adopted to the park family. at first, he was so cold towards everyone, knowing that this was going to be his new family from now on.

soon enough he did warmed up with them, especially with jimin, his 'now' older brother.

2 years later, they were like brothers, not step. jimin and him, they stood up for each other, helped each other.

as years passed, they were still the same some things were going to change until one day, that day when jimin decided to introduce his best friend to jungkook. that's where it all when down the hill...where darkness started to consume jungkook..

17 years old

that was the first time jungkook and taehyung met. jimin had brought taehyung back home for games and had introduce him to jungkook.

well, typical jungkook just ignored the boy's existence but soon as time passed, months, jungkook found himself drowning to the boy

his presence; whenever the boy would come over and hang out, his voice; whenever the boy would talk to him; his praise, oh god how jungkook liked it; whenever the boy would compliment him, his touches; whenever the boy would hug him or simply drapping his arm over jungkook's shoulder; just him himself that make jungkook this way

besides, it wouldn't hurt liking your brother's best friend right? or so he thought


jungkook was now already 19 years old, still helplessly in love with taehyung, jimin's best friend. during that long 2 years, you'd be suprised to say jungkook knew that nor taehyung or jimin suspected or even knew that jungkook liked taehyung, jungkook was just great at hiding it..


today was like any other day, where taehyung would come over to house and play games with jimin and sometimes jungkook, well most of time since jungkook is great at playing games

it was like any other times, jungkook would sit on the ground with taehyung playing games while jimin on the couch watching, along with some comments

"HAH HYUNG I WON YOU OWE ME MY BANANA MILK" jungkook shout of enjoyment

"how about one more game and if you win i'll buy you 2 banana milk" and that my friend had jungkook nodded smugly, since he was so sure that he would win, i mean he WOULD do ANYTHING for banana milk ;)

and so there they goes, another round with a little twist ;)

"ahh hyung you cheated" jungkook said while pushing taehyung playfully to the side and taehyung just laughed "it's not cheating it's fair, i'm only distracting hahaha" well, taehyung didn't lie because taehyung had peck jungkook's cheek making that boy stunned that he losed the game

jungkook just stay silent since he was still recovering the after shock of taehyung's warmth on his cheek

calm down jungkook it's not like he kissed your lips or something jungkook mentally scolded himself

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