Our Future

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"jungkook!" the said boy turned to the voice

"why are you standing there? don't you want to go to the race club?"

"ah yugyeom, i'm on my rest leave" jungkook answered "the injury from previous competition haven't healed anyway" showing his patched knee

"haih..the efforts i make to get into final round for national level wasted" jungkook sighed out, disappointment obviously laced with his voice

"still in the midst of undergo treatment again?" yugyeom asked and he nodded "yeah, it will heal for sure!"

suddenly he was pulled to the side by someone


jungkook looked up since the person who pulled him was slightly taller than him and the person just stared at him without muttering a word

"w-what?" jungkook let out nervously, especially having a unexpectantly undescribale good-looking male staring right into his souls just pulled him

the male just let him go and walk away leaving jungkook full of confusion

"who's that?"


"....he is?" and yugyeom facepalmed

"that's taehyung. he's very cool, not to mention handsome too. there's many girls likes him" yugyeom answered finally making the poor jungkook less clueless

"why did he suddenly pulled my arm? does he has interest in me?" hmm

"no way. you only love your track and field" yugyeom sighing "you're right" jungkook nodding along his words

people likes him because he's cool? while i like guys that can run fast jungkook thought while looking at taeyung's back figure, still can't help but feel curious about that male

"DANGER!" there was a whoosh and bam and before jungkook could even react there's a vase just drop from the second floor, luckily didn't hit jungkook

jungkook's mouth went agape as he stared at the broken vase, mind was dismissed from the voice of his friend and the person who is responsible for

"i'm sorry! are you alright?"

"that's dangerous!! a little more and he could had been injured you know" the faint shouting barely registered into jungkook's mind

if taehyung didn't pulled me just now...i could have been...!

eh! wait..why did taehyung pulled me? jungkook was pulled to realisation

he looks like he knew that the vase would drop on me there...

jungkook looked over taehyung which is now with someone he doesn't know, hearing their conversation perfectly

"i heard you saw the artis, kang taehee. is that right?" the boy asked slinging his arm onto taehyung's shoulder

"yeah i did"

"wah lucky you. she's pretty isn't she? what do you think?" he asked again

"i'm not interest in someone's wife" taehyung said mindlessly

"huh? what are crapping about again? she's not married yet. the social media report that she doesn't even have a boyfriend yet"

"eh? ah?" taehyung quickly closed his mouth and face with of worried and it didn't go unnoticed by jungkook


"female actress, kang taehee...have married secretly."

"the staff were in shocked too when reading the said news."

kang taehee...is married?!! the bread on jungkook's hands drop to the ground as he stared at the televisyen and heard about the news

"i'm not interest in someone's wife" the faint voice of taehyung echoed inside jungkook's head as he still trying to recover the aftershock of the news and taehyung's words

t-that's cool!! how did he knew?? don't tell me that taehyung actually...


"can see the future?"

"hah?" jungkook looked up at taehyung with sparkling doe eyes while gripping the hem of taehyung's shirt. it seems like the surroundings around them were filled with sparks because of jungkook

"what nonsense are you talking jungkook" taehyung said uneasily while jungkook is still looking at him with that kind of eyes

about the vase and the actress...is not just a mere guess..

"you can see other peoples future right? i want you to see mine!" jungkook straight forwardly said to him, smilling hoping taehyung would agreed

"i still don't understand what do you mean here!" taehyung respond obviously annoyed but jungkook bared it no mind

"i dream to become a professional racer and the omlypic athlete one day. so please, please look at my future!" jungkook said dramaticly

"sorry... but i..."

"I BEG YOU" jungkook was now bowing to taehyung while hitting his head to the floor repeatedly causing attraction from students near there


"stop! get up quickly" taehyung went to jungkook hoping him to stand up and make the situation less awkward then it already is

"please taehyung!!" jungkoon said again while clasping his hand together and all taehyung can do is just watch in pure confusion and fear

"that is right that i can see other people's future...but i can't fulfill your request." taehyung said apolegeticly

"since past i can see people's future. but— i can't control when i can see it. i can't see the future of people who is close to me, like my family. i also can't see the future for a long term period. so i can't fulfill your that request" he finally let out a sigh that he didn't realise he was holding back

"THAT'S SO COOL!" jungkook said a little too loud, his eyes got bigger and the sparkles seems to get bigger as he looks at taehyung will pure admiration

"if you can do all of that, then it's no problem, we definitely can do it!!" he said enthusiasticly

"no.. like i said—" and taehyung was cut off

"no worries. i will support you until you can see my future!!" he said with full determination

and taehyung could only shaked his head worried, and for what sake that boy is planning to do

What do you think sweets?

I'm back on updating! You know I've watched endgame for 3 times alrdy and still feels it's not enough.. hm😂🤔

Anyways, the request is open~

I purple you💜

Hope you like this shot! Do you want the part 2 today or tomorrow? ;)

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