Call Your Crush

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"hey would you like to participate on our social experiment?" a cheerie voice asked

was what jungkook first heard as he finished his last class of the day

"u-uh what..?" he turned around just to be greeted with a beautiful woman with an expensive looking camera on her hand and that cheerful smile before repeating her question

the way her cheerful and friendly smile pulling himself agreeing despite unknowing what is the social experiment was about

"um sure. what do i have to do?" he asked shyly, god he was shyly cute, the woman wondered how is he going to complete his task.

he usually tried to refrain himself from talking to strangers, avoiding places where more interaction is needed because he is just that shy. his safe circle was only a few of his close friend which is not many.

"are you willing to call your crush and ask them out for a date?" was what the cheerie girl asked

he feels like his heart stopped beating for a sec before he feels he face burned a little at the slightest mention of a single word. crush.

as soon those left her mouth. one person came to mind and all he wanted to that moment was too run away.

but a part of him wanted to stay, the side that wanted it to be crazy and spontaneous. told him to just fucking go for it, because if he doesn't seize this opportunity now, then he may never get the chance.

alas, he agreed to it despite his hesistation, self-doubt, shyness, the anxiety thinking how he might get rejected, how he need to face the aftermath, how all of this might affect their friendship.

but nonetheless, he's going for it, i mean how bad it could be right? worst out of worst, he's gonna get rejected and mayhaps, curled like a buritto and cry before he feels good to meet the other eyes

and the girl finally sets up her camera and there were some girls were there, wanting to support him and knows what will happen with the call

the camera zoomed to his face perfectly. his baby porcelain face, his little scar on his left cheek, his big doe eyes, his cute button nose, his beauty mark all were shown. the background was out of focus, his face become the center of the attention.

"so tell me their name and some things about him" the girl said eyeing him behind the lens

he looked down blushing at the thought of the person that came into his mind. the one who make his heart beating fast, butterflies in his stomach. he looked up before shyly answered the question.

"we-well his name his taehyung. we have been friends since i was 14. he's older than me by two years and he's actually my roommate here on campus."

the listerners there basically melted at the sight of jungkook being so cute. the girl behind the lens smiled before proceeding to her next question

"okay! what makes you to have a crush on him?"

"" jungkook found himself playing with his fingers while trying to explain the way that this one boy makes he feels

"um well, he's very caring and lovable. he makes me wanting to be with him all the time. he makes me feel i'm loved. i remember how he would at least text me a dozen times to make sure i was fine and alright if i was not with him. he would pick me up from class if my class ended late, didn't want me to go back dorm alone. i find comfort in his voice, i would call him everytime i felt lonely even if we were one room away"

jungkook finally realized how much he have wanted to say those words, how much how long he have been keeping those words hidden, locked away. he eyes got glossy as he realized how deep in he really was

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