Secrets Within

386 23 18

no one knew that the famous boy in the school has a boyfriend, not even his close friends. and that my friend is quite an achievement in keeping the secret.


"taehyung sunbaenim please accept my feelings!" a girl shyly said closing her eyes but taehyung rejected it anyway

its the 18th confession this week from both males and females and it's not even friday yet

whispers errupted around about the confessions

"hey did you hear? taehyung rejected a girl again"

"seriously? wow she's cute but even she doesn't stand a chance"

"right!? i heard that another senior wanted to confess"

"geez i can even bet they are gonna get rejected anyway"


kim taehyung. his name is well known around the campus. he was that kind boyfriend material everyone dreamt of. but funny to it, he doesn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend. every male or female that confessed to him will get rejected, he won't even accept their letters or chocolates. rejecting it saying "i'm sorry but i can't accept this"

"ah tae you rejected another girl again?" hoseok said

"yeah" he said nonchantly leaning back the chair

"why don't you accept them, i mean even some of pretty and cute girls from seniors and juniors section confessed to you. but i am not one to jugde, because i would definitely reject"

"that's because you're gay hyung-" before hoseok could go any further, he was shut up by a glare from the said boy

all those time yoongi remained silent, well obviously he was sleeping

"why do you reject them tae? i mean we understand if you don't have feelings for them but you could have at least give a chance?" jin continued and that make hoseok curious too

"just because."

both of them gave taehyung a weird look before realising that they are in a rush

"oh shit i have to go, we still meeting up later?" hoseok ask


"and i need to go too tae, take care" jin said before he hurriedly went to his next class while dragging yoongi along too


incoming call from baby🐰💜
[accept] [decline]

"hello?" a soft voice said causing a smile crept to taehyung's face

"hey baby" taehyung greeted which got a giggle as a respond "ooh hyungie~"

"how is my baby hm?"

"i'm good~how about hyungie?"

"i'm good now hearing your voice, why did you call me baby? not that i mind, do you have something you want to ask?" taehyung heard a gasp on the other side of line, he smirk and chuckled lightly because he knew the words he said hit the right spot

"we-well hyungie..erm..i-i wanna ask if-if i can go out with jimin hyung and namjoon hyung after class..? or maybe n-no?" he was very nervous asking taehyung about it and taehyung can clearly sense it

"of course you can baby"

"b-baby wants hyungie know so hyungie is not worried" he continued making taehyung cooed softly

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