Chapter 2

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After the Game, Black Rabbit made the children play, they were making their way to the entrance of The Little Garden. Black Rabbit was explaining more about The Little Garden, the children were in.

Izayoi: Hey, I'm going to check the edges of the world for a while so go first.

Izayoi walked to the other way and the other three children had a blank face on them.

Seiji: I'll go with him so he doesn't get lost or anything.

Asuka: Fine but remember to bring some souvenirs.

Yō nodded.

Seiji: Sure, if I find any.

Seiji ran after Izayoi.

Izayoi: You don't have to worry about me bringing troubles.

Seiji: Nah. I'm just interested in the edges of the world too.

Izayoi and Seiji made their way to the edges of the world while Asuka and Yō, who had Calico cat on her head, followed Black Rabbit who was still explaining about Little Garden.

Izayoi: Where do you think the edges of the world is?

Seiji: Just go straight and we'll find it eventually.

Izayoi: *laughs* True.

While Izayoi and Seiji were having a conversation they found the edges of the world.

Izayoi: So this is what the edges of the world look like?

Izayoi and Seiji were admiring the view until they felt somethings presence. A big white serpent came out under the water and a big green turtle came out from the forest near them.

Izayoi: Didn't think a white snake and a green turtle came to greet us.

Seiji: I would like to have one of them as my pet.

White serpent: You mortals want us as a pet!?

Izayoi: I never said wanting a pet.

Green turtle: Shut up mortal. We never asked your opinions.

Seiji: They sure have huge egos. I'm getting kind of annoyed.

Izayoi: Do you want to beat them?

White serpent: You think you mortals can beat us, gods? Nonsense! Mortals we shall give you trials so choose one.

Green turtle: But be afraid! The trials we give are not easy!

Izayoi: Which one will you take?

Seiji: I'll take the turtle. You can have the snake.

Izayoi: All right!

Izayoi walked to the white serpent's way and Seiji walked to the green turtle's way.

White serpent: Tell me, mortal. What trial will you choose?

Izayoi: I want to test you if you can test me.

Izayoi said with a smug face and the white serpent shouted angrily.

White serpent: This shall be your last!

The white serpent went to attack Izayoi.

Green turtle: Tell me, mortal. What trial will you choose?

Seiji: Can I choose the easiest one?

Green turtle: Very well. Then you shall be victorious if you can make me move from my place.

Seiji: That's it?

Green turtle: Yes.


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