Special chapter: Summer

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Black Rabbit: It's summer! And what does that mean!? Beach! And...

Black Rabbit was about to finish but Izayoi and Shiroyasha pumped their fist up in the air and interrupted Black Rabbit.

Izayoi and Shiroyasha: Sexy swimsuits!

Black Rabbit: Wha-!? No! I was trying to say "barbeque"!

Seiji: Really, barbeque? What about fireworks and beach volleyball?

Black Rabbit: Oh yeah! Forgot about those completely.

Asuka: Hmm~... So you all go to the beach when it's summer?

Jin: Well, not everybody goes to the beach. Some may prefer indoors instead of outdoors.

Asuka: I see... It's quite complicated.

Shiroyasha: Umu. Now we can skip about the conversation about the beach for a while and let's talk about making Black Rabbit's swimsuit sexy, transparent, and-

Black Rabbit: No we won't!

Izayoi: Yes we will!

Black Rabbit: No we won't!

Seiji: I sense a big deja-vu.

Yō: Didn't this happen during the Nativity of the Salamander?

Asuka: Did it? I don't remember.

Seiji: Oh yeah! It did happen.

Shiroyasha: But we do need swimsuits for the beach. Do you intend to go nude or something?

Izayoi: What!? Really!?

Black Rabbit: No I won't! I already have a swimsuit.

Shiroyasha: You mean the revealing swimsuit I gave you?

Black Rabbit: No. I threw that away and got a new one.

Shiroyasha was dejected and cried.

Shiroyasha: What! You threw away the masterpiece I got just for you...

Izayoi looked at Black Rabbit.

Izayoi: Look, Black Rabbit. You made Shiroyasha cry. Apologize.

Seiji: Don't you think it's a little rude to throw away gifts from others?

Asuka and Yō nodded.

Leticia: I thought I taught you better than that, Black Rabbit. Should we go through the spartan training again?

Black Rabbit sweated.

Black Rabbit: N-No thank you. I will apologize to Shiroyasha-sama.

Black Rabbit bowed down to Shiroyasha.

Black Rabbit: Shiroyasha-sama, I am sorry for throwing away your gift.

Shiroyasha stood up and lunged at Black Rabbit in a tight hug.

Shiroyasha: Don't worry about it, Black Rabbit! But if you're really sorry you can wear much more revealing and erotic swims-

Black Rabbit threw Shiroyasha away.

Black Rabbit: Nevermind I changed my mind. I am not sorry for throwing the swimsuit away.


Seiji: Hmm... Now that I think about it. I don't really have a swimwear.

Izayoi: Me neither. Should we go and buy?

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