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Zeeniya's POV

"Well, what happened next? did he follow you? he must had been thinking whats wrong he just uttered,,poor boy!" Isla laughed and asked me.

"Well, ummh.. its so embaracing, whenever I recall that day.. Its just so stupid, I dont believe I had done this. I was so childish and so concious about my reputation.. I did know why I could not control my tears in front of Miss Gull, our class teacher. She just called my name for reading the lesson and I stood up, even I tried to read but tears blurred every scene in front of my eyes and I felt water shedding on my face like heavy rain. I felt myself sobbing and I just started crying. Miss Gull tried to make me silent and stop crying. She pat me and asked the reason of my tears. I just blurted that Emir Zayn said something very wrong to me. I dont know why the heck I said that all to her, but i did. I was still sobbing... and.."
I took a breath and  stopped in my sentence. ofcourse Katty, Isla and Shaleen were listening to me quite attentively(those three drama queens, always need some spicy story for fun and today they found mine)
"Then what did the teacher say?" Shaleen questioned.
She did not say anything, she beat him hard with her stick.. and thats so embaracing, he was beaten bcz of me, bcz of "Zeeniya Arsal" , thats why I never wanted to face him again.. never ever but again .. He is back..
"Oh baby ..poor Zayn" katty mocked and acted heart pain by placing her hand on chest
"You are so cruel" Isla commented.
"yup zeeni very much cruel and mean" Shaleen added.
hmmh.. stop defending him ok! He was the one to say that all stupid stuff.. but you know, well you guys are right, Sometimes I feel that I have done much wrong to him :( I said with a sad face.
" Whatever, he is handsome and I dont let handsome men go" Katty smirked and we all laughed.
"yeah yeah u should send him a frnd request", Isla said laughing.
" Only if zeeni won't mind that!" Katty said hitting me elbow.
Hey.. I wont mind , sure u can add him.. do whatever u want ..
"Oh sure I will send him friend request today and I will ask him about you" katty smirked.
You are so .... dash dash dash!! katty, I said.

Oh you mean cute, hot and beautiful" she said laughing and Isla and shally joined her, while I made a pouty face.

Emir's POV

I got a text from Elie yesterday, Elie my school mate, ofcourse I remember her bcz she is zeeniya's cousin. She told me about Xee's Birthday and I wished her.
I don't know what will  Zeeniya think about me now. Will she forgive me? does she  remeber everything? I don't know.. May be one day I'll get to know what she actually think of me.!! As a matter of fact,
I'm not the same guy..

When it comes to other girls, I am the player of players and king of *Hearts*
Sorry dear Heart but don't know why i cant make any girl stay longer in u,, not more than 2 weeks or probably the last one stayed for a month I guess, that "Ferry .. what was her name, O yah faria, she almost believed me that I was serious with her, till she got to know that I was also flirting with her sister. My bad .. but who cares? I don't give a shit about those girls, nasty girls flirting with every second boy they find   .. some are those who get decieved by the boys who trap them and throw away after using.. F*
And I dont give a shit about those girls and I know they are just in search of trapping a boy in their cage for marrying,  so that  these " used" girls can throw their wasted souls and cracked hearts on those trapped  boys, after bieng F**** up by their first "so called love who decieved them".. poor girls!! I really feel sorry for them but I can do nothing except giving them some fun!!! So its not my fault, I do fun and so do they. They all know that Emir  Zayn doesn't get involved but still poor girls say often that they are falling for me Ha-Ha.
Elie and me are having fun chatting about different sort of things these days. I think I will have a lot of fun with her. A develish grin appears on my face when I ask her about romantic movies. She replies and the gossip continues .. We are both enjoying our frank.. the way too frank chat..

( Guys keep reading and voting , I cant write more due to illness.. plz read the next chapter tomorrow to know more about Emir and Zeeniya's life)

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