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  ( Guys must watch the cover picture of this and comment plz :) This chapter would try to clear ur confusions related to Zayn's character..He is not too bad !ouch.. Don't forget to load images coz they include S.S of chats)
                      Zayn's POV

It's 7' in the morning and my head is heavy from last night's happening and half sleep, as I couldn't sleep well. I hardly open my sleepy eyes and try to clean all that stuff running through my mind, but that's so shitty. I dunno know what to do. I'm exhausted. I'm freaking out.. God..Heaven..Zeeniya.. She will be so angry and pissed off. She would never let me prove my point and and cut off with me.., If she gets to know all that happened last night. I wasn't drunk, I never drink. (I'm strictly religious in this matter).. I did not take any alcoholic syrup or something..then why the hell I did that all mess?? I ask to myself.
Ellie was not that type of girl of course, she is Zeeniya's cousin. But she did not discouraged say those things in starting..she never scolded me harsh for flirting, so it just happened..I forgot that I was not chatting with "those girls" you know that kind of girls..i used to chat with.
It just happened just happened!! I'm trying to make myself believe that I am not the only one responsible for all that f***..she is equal to be blamed.
Huhh!! I get out of the bed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my fingers, yawning and stumbling from sleep.

 Huhh!! I get out of the bed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my fingers, yawning and stumbling from sleep

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I try to calm myself and sit down in the chair beside the bed. I place my folded hands in front of my eyes and nose , with my fingers tangled in each other and my head buried into them with my eyes shut. 
After about 15 minutes I finally come out of the state and decide to break this self torment. I rush to the side table and pick up my phone. As I click open the messenger, I found yesterday's Ellie's chat and I click delete button. I have still a single fragile sense of "hope" that may be..Ellie haven't told Zeeniya anything yet and I can stop Ellie doing so in future if I find that Zeeniya is unaware of all that till now. I would text Ellie from another ID and I must have to beg her, not to tell Zeeniya.
But first, I should check on Zee.. Does she know or not?? Oh My.. I'm freaking inside with that thought. I should text her.. Hope she hasn't already blocked me.. Hugh
I text her..

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