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"Weeeh gyxxxx, guyzz!! I.. I am in a....." katty stopped in her way speaking excitedly, trying to overcome her nervousness by closing her eyes tight and squeezing her one palm with the other and bitting her lower lip with her tongue , giving out a childish shy laugh.
"Now for heaven's sake speak it out katty..u r such a drama queen. Tell us now whats it?"
I almost shouted bcz she was creating too much suspense.. God!
"Heaven's Zeeniya I'm in a relationshippppppp yayhayyy (almost screaming in our ears).

One second pause

And a brust of laughters !!!
Me , Isla and Shally can't seem to control our laughter bcz katty is talking about a "realationship". The girl who flirts with each guy she finds, is finally talking about love.
"Stop it u damned fellows, such rascal buddies u are.. I say don't laugh, I'm serious okkk!! Huh " katty said frowning and looking away with her hands around a lock trying to smoothen her hair.
"haha OMG hold on, hold on! M just trying to digest it katty." shally half speaks half laughs holding her belly that has probably started itching from laughing hard.
"Oh God katty u Are such a dark horse ahn? Do we know that guy? " Isla asks.
Katty opens her mouth to say something when i inquire too.. " yeah katty who is that?"

" He is Huzzaifa khan from BCS part-I. We just started chatting a month ago. And now it seems impossible to kill a day without him ..oh Love .. He is just so perfect."

we all say in one amusing voice. Its really surperising that katty is taking love too much seriously. We all thought that she only talks to boys for fun. We never had such an idea that one day, she would fell for some one in reality.

Actually love and death don't knock at our door before coming. So we never know about their arrival. They can prey on any one at any time. Both these things are sudden in their arrival and merciless.

"I know you guys are not going to believe me but seriously, I don't know what just happened to me. I just cann't live without chatting with him even a single day.
And he is like..he is getting closer to me day by day. Every second I think about him and this feeling makes me overwhelmed." katty spoke in a single sentence and stopped to catch a breath.

"OMG plz someone give me my notebook and pencil to note this lecture of miss katty, the love specialist" Isla said with a smirk.

We all laughed at once!

"Cumm'on U guys just leave it and lets ask Miss Zeeniya Arsal about the advance of her relationship!" katty said with a frown , folding her arms in front of her.
My mouth practically fell wide open at this sudden accusition of Katty.

"whaii.. What? Why? No... That's not like that ok.. Relationship ..huh! In ur dreams katty!!" I replied her with confused and angry expressions.

"Well, well, well Whatever u say.. Its not my problem now. I have officially declared that I will not keep any contact with Emir, since he unfriend me. Huh..! And I don't need to do so now.." katty said while chewing her last words.

"You don't need to do so now coz you have a boyfriend now? And it means you were trying to do something previously katty? But he unfriend you? Am I right? Ha-ha.." Shally scornfully raised her brow and blurted all that.

"Shut up shally, how can u? I mean how can I put an eye on Zeeniya's Emir. I'm not interested okay? Let Zeeniya have her boyfriend with her alone. I damn care huhh" katty almost shrieked out.

"Calm down katty and Shally..! And mind it, he is neither my lover nor my boyfriend, understand?? From now, he is nothing to me. Just an X-class mate." I said curling my eyes away from all of them.

"whoa girl, what's wrong? Have he said something to u zeeni? Isla asked in surprise.

"Hmmhh.. I don't know what to do .. Its messed up!" I said and looked down to the floor , kicking my one shoe in frustration.

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