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Minhyuk grabbed Hyungwon by the collar of his t-shirt. He pulled him into his house, slamming the front door behind him with a significant bang. He pushed Hyungwon to the wall beside the door, in a hushed almost urgent tone Minhyuk told him; ''Does your dad know about this? The soldiers and police are killing people! Innocent people! It's best we all shut the blinds and stay inside. They won't come for us that way I suppose. We have to be soundless, you here me, punk? Sound. Less. Is that clear?'' Minhyuk spoke at a thousand kilometers per hour and Hyungwon had to process what he just heard for a second. While the gears in Hyungwon's mind were busy turning, digesting what had been worded to him, Minhyuk looked him right in the eyes with the most serious gaze ever. In all the years they've been friends it was unbelievable to see Lee Minhyuk be serious.

Hyungwon nodded his head. ''Sir yes sir.'' Minhyuk released and stepped away from him. Now Hyungwon could see the others sitting on the floor of he living room; the furniture had been moved and stacked away, giving the boys plenty of space. He noticed the lights were out too. The only light they had was candle light. In the dim golden light he saw faintly the features of all his friends sitting in a circle. They all seemed to hover over something. When Hyungwon took a closer look, he realized they were playing a very intense game of Pokémon. It was strange how they all calmly played the game as if nothing was going on outside, as if the world was okay.

They never played games calmly. Never. Not once. Ever. Kihyun called Hyungwon to have a seat next to him, he handed him a ready made stack of seven pokémon trading cards neatly stacked, ready to be played. Kihyun watched Hyungwon breathe in and sigh; the air still tasted of smoke and smelled of iron. Just then Minhyuk said rather casually, ''You never answered my question. Does your dad know or not?'' Kihyun observed as Hyungwon took a moment to think, he placed down his card on the cold, dusty concrete off white floor. ''I... I honestly don't know.'' Hyungwon told Minhyuk.

Something was bothering Kihyun. There was something very wrong and very off about everything since the moment he woke up. They were sitting Something was bothering Kihyun. There was something very wrong and very off about everything since the moment he woke up. They were sitting in an empty concrete living room playing a game of Pokemon as if there was nothing going on outside... It was almost as if the militants and police out there didn't exist. And they were deaf to the screams of pain, they had no sense of smell and didn't smell the tangy, strong iron scent of blood and the choking breath of smoke and ash. Outside ash fluttered down to the ground like snowflakes. It was almost balletic. He felt they would all be dead sooner for later, he knew they had to act fast. He put down his cards face up. ''Guys,'' he whispered. ''Don't you feel strange? We're all literally at the doorstep of death: We can die at any given moment! We have to make a plan, we have to survive!'' The boys put down their cards also face up in unison. There was a collective mumble of shit and fuck, you're right.

When none of the boys spoke after What Kihyun said and their few curses, Kihyun felt mad. Really mad. He wanted to live to know why this was happening to them, he wanted to be alive with his friends. Kihyun felt a fire ignite inside him, so he angrily told them in a hushed, but very harsh tone: ''If we don't make a plan within the next hour I will leave and I will find out whats happening myself! I'm taking my crutches with me.'' He inhaled sharply through his nose, chest heaving from anger. It was like he was a dragon who's flames were slowly diminishing. ''Dude, you would be able to survive a week without any of us!'' Hyunwoo argued. ''Oh, and what gives you that idea? You don't think I'm capable enough to take care of my own body without a doctor and mommy and daddy, do you?'' Hyunwoo then proceeded to tell him, ''You're sick, man. They can't have cancer patients running around on their own. Especially you with your condition.'' ''you make it sound like I'm the only one who's got a sickly body,'' Kihyun breathed. ''Don't act like you have nothing wrong with your own.''

THE CLAN SERIES BOOK 1: ALL INजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें