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They reached the house. ''First thing I want to do is spray paint that window.'' He said as he pulled a can out of his shorts pocket. 'Where'd you find that?'' Changkyun asked. ''Jooheon has robbed a fucking magical duffel bag that has everything including a whole damned jar of glitter.'' The way Minhyuk said the word magical was almost as if he was mocking Jooheon. So Minhyuk shook the can and popped the plastic black lid off it and discarded it, simply not caring for the environment any longer. He quickly painted an X on to the front door window. Then he pushed the door wide open and he started to pour gasoline everywhere. He poured it inside the house on every possible corner. He poured around the the outsides of the house. He even made sure to pour some on the windowsills. It had to be enough that it spilled down the walls too.

Wonho too helped by dunking whatever contents his jug of gasoline had. He made sure to spread it enough that it covered every little space. So the floor was wet. All the boys hurriedly got out of the house so they could set it ablaze. And that is exactly what they did. But Wonho had other ideas.

''You guys haven't been to a substance party, have you?'' Minhyuk and Changkyun both said no in unison then cringed. ''Well, we can still use matches, but I think this would be more damaging and more fun.'' He said as he took a green soju bottle from the ground. ''I'll be back in a moment.'' He said then ran back up the stairs to Hyungwon's former bedroom and swiped a t-shirt off its hanger from the open closet. He trotted back down the stairs and showed his friends what he would do. He stuffed the shirt into the bottle and ordered Changkyun to keep the front door open. He also instructed him to close it as soon as he threw it. Then he told Minhyuk to set fire to the house.

Everything happened so quickly. Light, throw, shut the door. Then there was a boom and Minhyuk thought he saw the most beautiful thing in his life.


Hyunwoo's big, muscular chest heaved up and down as he tried to calm himself down. He pushed a hand through his dark hair and clenched his teeth in attempt to keep himself from screaming any longer. Then he came to terms with his thoughts. He would end it. He would end everything right then and there. Hope had no meaning to him no more. He took the remainder of the flowers from his pocket and placed them atop the neatly folded former clothing of his grandfather. He folded the note and placed it into his back pocket. He exchanged that for a small vial filled with the bright blue liquid of the flowers. He twisted the cap off and tossed it to the blinding white tile floor.

He put the vial to his lips and downed the liquid in one shot. It burned his throat in the same way cough syrup did. It was icky and it made you gag and cringe. Unlike cough syrup, this sorta made him feel a little better a lot faster. Also dropping the glass vial to the ground, watching it shatter and break into a million tiny pieces. He watched it spread like a little army, ready to cut into his feet. Just then door had burst open with a clang, hitting and denting the wall beside it. ''Son Hyunwoo!'' It was Kihyun. Hyunwoo turned his large frame. ''What is it Kihyun? You shouldn't be here, you'll die.'' Kihyun tried to catch his breath befotre telling him, ''You can't die here. I won't let that happen!'' Hyunwoo scoffed at his friend. ''I'm going to die anyway. They'll catch us net time. They'll kill us without hearing us out. So its best I end it now and let them have less blood on their hands.'' Kihyun stomped right back up to him, crushing the already tiny shattered glass army to even tinier bits. Those would hard to clean up later. Kihyun grabbed his shirt and pulled Hyunwoo down to his face.

Kihyun stared for a long moment. The fire never left behind his irises. Then he said, voice cold a dry ice and mean as venom. ''If you're going to die here, I'm going down with you.''


Jooheon was waiting for Kihyun. He waited outside the building, keeping watch for any other guards or officers or whatever. Everything was almost too quiet. There was no wailing of police sirens and it also seemed the people who had somehow survived decided they'd quieten down and play dead. There was no more screaming and there were no gun shots either. The only sound he heard was the gravel crushing under his own feet as he shifted from to side to side. And there was the audible cold swoosh of wind that Jooheon was grateful foe because he had sweat so much and he needed a cool down. Just as he was enjoying the cold breeze that carried the scent of the sea, his vision blackened. He felt what he remembered to be velvet cover his head. He shouted for help, but big cold and rough from labour hands covered his mouth and grabbed at his body. He was being kidnapped.

Soon, the velvet sack was taken off his head and he was seated in what looked like the back of a van. There were three men and one woman in the van sitting across from him. ''Who are you?'' the woman demanded. She had a slick back french twist and very red lips. Jooheon the lipstick made her look like a clown. The women asked again with a stronger tone this time. ''Who are you? And where did you find the flowers? How are you using them? How much do you have?'' Jooheon answered back in the same strong tone. ''I'm Lee Jooheon.''

''I know that.'' The woman snapped. ''Then why'd you ask if you already know my name?" He asked, using his bratty kid voice that he knew adults hated. ''General's orders. Where did you find those flowers?'' She demanded again. ''I honestly have no idea about it's exact coordinations, but I can tell you it's like right next old Shin's substance store. Aren't substance stores illegal? Why'd you not send out a warrant?'' The woman raised an eyebrow, ''Shin's substance store?'' Jooheon nodded. ''As foe how I'm using them, I refuse to tell you.''

''Why is that?''

''It's my discovery, not yours. I won't let you take credit for what I did.''

''Oh, son we figured long before you how to use those flowers. We just want to know how you are using them differently. ''

''I don't know how much the guys and I had to start with, but I'll tell you now that I don't have any. If you don't believe me, you could search me.''

''We have footage of how you've been consuming the flowers.''

''What? Aren't all the cameras down after the explosion?''

''Well, yes you are correct, but we have the Track Rats following you at all times.''

''Track Rats?''

The woman proceeded to produce a screen and show him the footage of the night they painted their bodies and inhaled the flower's smoke. The night Kihyun and Chnagkyun's foreheads touched. Also the night Minhyuk decided he'd burn the General's house down.


Hyunwoo shrugged Kihyun off of him. ''No, no you're not dying with me. I'm doing this because I need to. There is nothing more left for me to live for. I have no reason nor will to do so.'' Kihyun, feeling his eyes burn, he said: ''You have me. You have the guys, We're here-- We're still here--And we care so much about you. We really do love you, man. If you were gone, I wouldn't fight anymore. I wouldn't continue something you left. I know the guys would too. The world needs you right now. The world needs us.'' Hyunwoo heaved a sigh. ''This world is cruel.'' Kihyun nodded in agreement and told him gently that he thought so, too. And that they could make the world a less shitty place if they tried harder.

Then Hyunwoo tried to force Kihyun to leave. He stroke a match against the side of the matchbox. The flame blazed blue then faded into orange. ''Get out!'' Hyunwoo said. ''Are you stupid? You'll die if you don't scram.'' Kihyun's hands scrunched up into fists and begged Hyunwoo not to do it. But all Hyunwoo did was give him a cold look and asked him to leave once again. ''Fine!" Kihyun said. ''Have a great trip to hell.'' And Kihyun was gone like light.

Hyunwoo dropped the match on top of the folded clothes with the flowers and the money he'd stolen earlier. He watched the flames travel across the room. He watched like watching ballet. Then he realized that the flames would engulf him if he didn't get out soon. He realized that Kihyun was right as he made a run for the door. When his hand reached the metal handle, it burned his hand from the heat of the fire. He yanked the door open with a bang, denting the boring white wall once more before running for his life. He wanted to find Kihyun and apologize to him. Then he wanted to help and do whatever he could. Hyunwoo knew he was an idiot and that his grandfather's death should not have affected him that much. His grandfather told him he wanted him to win this. And for his grandfather, damn right Son Hyunwoo would win.

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