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Minhyuk thought long and hard all the way to Hyungwon's house. He thought about his ruined face, bloodied leather bound books on the living room floor that had surrounded his friend. The living room empty and destroyed. Minhyuk thought about how Hyungwon's father's big black book was raised and came crashing down on Hyungwon's face. He thought about hoe Hyungwon didn't shatter in pain. Minhyuk too wondered how badly Hyungwon's body could have been damaged. He wondered about Hyungwon's mental wellness. He felt angry as his friend tugged him street across street. He hated that Hyungwon suffered silently. He wanted revenge and he wanted Hyungwon to be able to tell him everything. Without hiding.

They entered the house and that's when Hyungwon finally decided to speak. ''We're gonna find the thing, steal some money and clothes and stuff and then we will get the hell outta here, man.''

And so they searched, the air still reeked of smoke and rotted corpses. Ashes could be seen falling like snowflakes out the windows. Hyungwon tossed a duffle bag down the stairs.the bag was filled to it's maximum capacity with clothes, weapons and money. Hyungwon's pockets too were stuffed. ''Find anything yet?" Hyungweon called to Minhyuk over his shoulder as he examined a knife. ''Yeah, i found something odd. But I have a good feeling this it.''

Hyungwon entered his father's small study. It was a mess as usual. After taking a glance what Minhyuk had found, he told him they'd take it. And with that they got the hell out of there.

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