A Lover of Rain

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"Okay! One more time, from the top!" Cleo said, a bandaged hand resting on her hip. She watched with pursed lips, her eyes narrowed in judgement, as Clawdeen completed her tumbling pass, landing perfectly on top of the bridge Draculaura and Frankie had created with their arms. Sadly, Clawdeen couldn't find her balance and toppled off, falling back onto her butt with a huff and wincing painfully.

With a lot of persuasions and some I.O.Us Clawdeen had finally agreed to join the cheer squad along with Frankie and Draculaura. The goth girl had spent an inordinate amount of time whittling away Clawdeen's defenses until the girl had finally agreed, leaving the Stein with a skip in her step and Clawdeen with a bad taste in her mouth. The wolf had been steadfast in her denial, but with annoying, continuous asking (much like what Heath had done to Draculaura) she had caved.

"Sorry, I have Cross Country on Thursday mornings remember."

Frankie looked at her innocently, even though there was a mischievous glint in her eyes that Clawdeen didn't like. "I thought your last race of the season was on Sunday."

Clawdeen cursed.


"Sorry, girl, gotta babysit my little brothers on Tuesday."

Frankie tilted her head, "But last week you told me that your mom had finally found a good babysitter."

Clawdeen nervously rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah, well she wasn't as great as we thought."

Frankie tapped her chin, "But last night you posted a snapchat of her playing with them-

Clawdeen muttered something that she was sure would've gotten her mouth washed with soap if it'd been in front of her mama.

"-and you working on your homework- you had a caption that was something like. 'Thank God for babysitters.'"

Clawdeen wilted and said meekly, "Oh yeah."

"Nice try."

Clawdeen glared at her.


"Can't, Frankie. There's no one to take me on Thursday mornings."

This time Frankie smirked, "But I heard that Clawd joined the running club, which, coincidentally is on Thursday mornings."

Clawdeen growled.

Clawdeen hadn't been happy (she'd been walking around muttering curses under her breath for the rest of the day), but it was no secret that the Wolf family was loyal and she had showed, bright and early, for Monday's practice . . . not that Cleo seemed to appreciate the effort.

Cleo groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose, eyes screwing shut in frustration. They had been practicing for an hour now but none of the girls had ever done anything remotely close to this except Draculaura, who had taken ballet for centuries and gymnastics since its very conception. She was flexible, great at tumbling, good at learning the choreography and seemed to be the only one that really got the moves down. It was Clawdeen and Frankie who had trouble with the simplest things. While Clawdeen was athletic and good at remembering moves she wasn't very flexible, and Frankie was just . . . Cleo shook her head simply thinking about the clumsy girl. She glared at them as Draculaura helped Clawdeen up, brushing the taller girl off with concerned eyes.

"God, Clawdeen, that was a hard fall. Are you okay?"

Clawdeen nodded, but her smile was strained. "I'll be fine, you know I heal fast."

Monster High: Fright On! | Monster High FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora