The Center of Attention

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Clawdeen silently passed by the throng of girls leaving the locker room, ignoring the friendly greetings and smiles as she walked with a single-minded purpose into the flowery-smelling room- a mix of Bath and Bloody Works body sprays, and luxury, exotic-smelling perfumes, and sports deodorant making a fog of scents that irritated her nose.

The locker room was nearly empty, lingering with a few ghouls she didn't know the name of, and Draculaura who was putting on her heels, makeup done and hair already styled into her two signature pigtails. However, the thing her eyes zeroed in on was the varsity jacket she wore- her brother's jacket.

Her face hardened as she walked over, the sound of her sneakers hitting the tile making Draculaura look up, her already-huge lavender eyes widening further at the sight of her. She ignored the undone buckle of her heel in favor of looking up to her with an adorably-confused, somewhat nervous, somewhat afraid, expression on her face.

She licked her lips nervously, but, nonetheless, gave the werewolf a kind smile, "Hey, Clawdeen."

"Draculaura," Clawdeen replied stiffly, the vampire's smile dimming in response to the frosty greeting. Clawdeen crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at Draculaura with a stoic look that Draculaura couldn't decipher, although she's sure she knows what the conversation is going to be about.

Draculaura waited for Clawdeen to speak first, wringing her fingers in the hem of her skirt, too afraid to start off the conversation that she was almost certain would escalate into something much bigger than it needed to be - after all, she and Clawd were just friends.

"Why were you wearing my brother's jacket . . . again?"

"He wanted me to," Draculaura said simply. She didn't want to pander to Clawdeen's jealousies, even if it came from a place of insecurity.

Clawdeen bristled. "Why?"

"Because we're friends and it's a way for me to support him."

"You never wore his jacket before."

"We've never been such close friends before."

Clawdeen huffed. "If you're just friends then why are you going to the dance with him?"

Draculaura sighed and bent down to finish buckling her heel, not deigning to give the ghoul so much unnecessary attention when she was obviously being petty over the fact that she had become close to her brother. She had been nervous at first, fearful over Clawdeen's reaction towards their relationship, but now that she found the conversation actually happening she was growing angry with her assumptions and the way she was trying to control this aspect of her life.

"Friends can go to dances together, and he was just saving me from having to go with Heath instead. Anyway, what if we were going as a couple- would you have a problem with that?"

Clawdeen's hands clenched into fists by her side and her voice almost came out as a growl, "Of course I would; you can't date my brother!"

Draculaura glared up at her, standing as she finished with her heel and swinging her large tote bag over her shoulder as she retorted, "And why not?"

Clawdeen sputtered, "Because- because he's my brother!"

"Well then it's a good thing you don't get to decide that for me, isn't it?" Draculaure hissed spitefully, Clawdeen rearing back in shock before her eyes morphed into a glare of her own, her amber irises glowing like molten lava.

"You can't date him!"

"Try me." Without waiting to hear a reply Draculaura stomped out of the locker room, her hand flexing with the urge to unsheath her claws despite wanting to keep them buried deep within her nail beds. She hadn't gotten riled up like that in a long time and the fact that her best friend had been the one to do so made a pang of hurt fill her chest.

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