What You Need, What I Want

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She clung to him like he was a lifeline and she was drifting in the middle of the sea. His warmth surrounded her comfortingly as he murmured softly, his voice sounding wet and choked as if he was holding back tears of his own. His arms pulled her to him, holding her so tightly that it felt as if he was literally holding all the broken pieces of her together.

She had been holding back her tears for so long, believing that she would be fine if she simply didn't think about her uncle and that the pain would simply ebb away until there was nothing left for her to feel sad about. She thought that she had already finished grieving back in Transylvania when tears slipped down her face as Deuce cradled her in his arms in the back of the car on the way to the mansion. She was naive in her grief, not heeding Heath's wise words and instead trying to force it away rather than dealing with her tortured thoughts.

She'd barely been able to sleep, barely been able to eat, barely wanted to leave her coffin every morning for it would only be another day of listless living. She'd been so depressed for she had so many emotions bottled inside her that she thought she couldn't let out. They festered and grew until she burst like a dam, crumbling under the weight of her own grief as she fell forwards into Clawd who swept her up with warm arms and sweet words, helping to piece her back together.

She wanted to bang her fists on his chest even as she sobbed into his shirt, because she was still so angry - angry at him, angry at his sister, angry at her aunt for not being there for her own children, leaving her to keep them intact, angry at her dad for immediately going on a business trip as soon as the funeral was finished, angry at Frankie because she didn't understand, angry at Heath for understanding too much, angry at Cleo for babying her. God, she was so angry and she was so sad and she didn't know what to feel as tears spilled unbidden down her cheeks and her hands curled into Clawd's shirt.

"I can't, I can't," she sobbed. "It hurts," she wailed, because it did. The broken dam in her chest was overflowing and her uncle's death coupled with her beast friend's betrayal made her feel as if she were drowning.

Clawd slid down to the floor, keeping her pressed tightly against him as she curled up in his lap. "I know, Laura, I know. Let it out for me. I'm here - I'll keep you together, I'll help you pick up the pieces. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. I'm not leaving you again."

Her face pressed into the side of his neck as she let her emotions rush over her, chipping her each time but Clawd's arms around her allowing the pieces to mend back together. He was a rock, her rock, that kept her together even as her entire world seemed to flip upside down. Her hands fisted into his hair at the nape of his neck as her gasping sobs finally began to slow. She was seemingly running out of tears despite her emotions running so high. She felt so tired, as if she hadn't slept in weeks and was in need of a hearty Scarbucks espresso.

He nudged her from where she'd hidden her face in his neck with gentle coaxing and soft caresses, gifting her with a gentle smile when she sniffed, finally releasing her hold on him to move back and instead dropping her hands in her lap.

He wiped the tear tracks from her face, still making soft utterances to soothe her as he got her to eat an egg sandwich from his bag. She was still sniffing, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, as she took tiny bits of the sandwich. She only managed half (her appetite had apparently gotten a lot smaller since Transylvania) before shoving the rest back onto Clawd who tried not to let his disappointment show as she was quickly wrapped back into the cocoon of his arms.

She began purring, too tired to even get embarrassed, as he rubbed the sweet spot on the back of her neck. She nuzzled into his chest, curling in as small as she could for the smaller she was the tighter he held her and the lighter the grief in her chest became. For once, she actually wanted to go to sleep, because Clawd was here now, and he'd make everything okay.

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