Broken inside

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Kendall left and leave me alone with nothing she took everything with her all i see now is darkness

from home to school , school to bed and crying all the time for 3 reasons : 

1 : why does everybody leave me , do i push people away ? 

2 : Justin 

3 : Justin 

So yea those are the reasons why !! pathetic ...i know

Well , i don't worth life . i don't deserve life 

 A broken heart is like a broken mirror . it better to leave it broken that to hurt yourself trying to fix it . 

I'm losing my mind ...

We all carry these thing inside that no one else can see . they hold us down like anchors , they drown us out at sea ...Wow that's deep 

that pain ...tears ...oh Justin 

Waking up with a broken heart is worse. i want to be happy but i can't . i want to smile but i don't know how or maybe i don't remember how !! 

Dear Justin , 

I’m sorry I wasn’t everything you ever wanted. ..

I miss the old times . i was a dreamer before you want and let me down Now I realized that everything was just a dream. a beautiful ,charming dream . 

 I think a part of me will always be waiting for him . 

love ? it kills your heart and , and steals your souls 

Salma , stop crying , STOP  oh god , you are in school ..Fuck 

" Salma , what's wrong ? are you okay ? " i turn around to face Chris with a worried look on his sexy face 

" Don't you see it ? i'm broken " i said , the tears start to roll down my cheeks , he hugged me so tight ..i coundn't breathe but it makes me feel better ...

" wanna talk about it ? " he asked , 

Yes , i really want to 

" No ,i'm fine " he hugged me tighter and he whispered " i know you're not " 


" you know what Salma !! you cry too much " 

" i'm used to it " 

" everything is gonna be alright " he said 

" it hurts Chris , Love sucks !! " 

" love isn't always perfect , it isn't a fairy tale or a story book and it deosn't always come easy you have to fight , holding on and never letting go " he paused , he look at me  " But i know one tight , everything is gonna be alright " 


i've been lying in bed , probably thinking too much ..oh  and you guys know the reason why 

tried of being so sad 

tired of getting so mad 

trying to not forget should be easier than this . 

This the story that i've never told ,i gotta get this off my chest and let it go 

All the pain and ...the Truth , So ashamed so confused i was broken and bruised but not now  i am stronger than this , i can stop the pain i can move on , 

Now i'm a worrier , No one can hurt me again and i will NEVER EVER open up my heart to someone and let him in !! that's for sure 

i'll act like i've never been hurt . it's all over 

And i know everything will be fine with myself , fuck boys , fuck love 

I don't need an asshole to tell me that am beautiful cause i know i am 

am gonna try this time . you know what ? i feel so much better 

why i didn't think this way before , WHY ? 

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