Miss movin' on

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As a teen girl , i should be doing my make up and trying to look cute to impress the boys but not me . I'm not the type of the girls who wear 50 pound on make up , I'm not the type of the girls who dress slutty and act bitchy ...I'm the type of the girl who respect everybody and i don't judge by the looks , That's me and i love begin myself , I'm popular .. NAH just kidding , I'm a nobody ...Well when i was in relation ship with Justin i used to be SO popular , DUH he's the school's hottest and every girl used to take ricks to get his attention expect one girl ...Me , I wasn't interested in him , sure i used to think that he's  hot but i couldn't just talk to him like that , he wasn't interested in any of those girls either he was interested in ...Me ...Crazy right ! that's the reason why i used to be so popular , i have never EVER wanted to be Miss popular , but when you are in a relation ship with Mr popular there's nothing you can do about it , if you are wondering if Justin was a player , No he wasn't , he was do loyal /sweet / loving / caring a.k.a The perfect boyfriend , one year ago i used to cut myself ( i still cut myself ) , i used to be a nobody ( once again i am ) i used to have all those panic attacks and anxiety ...i was a mess , then Justin ( my hero ) come and he help me to get over all the panics and stuff and surprisingly it did work i used to be so comfortable  around him he was my all and i was his . so basically when he leaves all my panics and the addiction of hurting my self just ( once again ) return badly , once he leaves i start cutting again... like everyday and it's get even worse with me pushing the people who cared about me away . when he leaves he take everything with him . i'm trying to move on 

Here i am , eating lunch in school ( alone ) , Suddenly someone sits next to me , Guess who ? 

Chris . 

"Good afternoon beautiful " 

" Hey Chris  ! How are you ? "
" Great ! i'm so great ! What about you princess ? "
" I'm really fine "
" What were you thinking about before i come to talk to you ! i saw you sitting her deep in thought ! Is everything okay Salma ? "

Well , Shit . He saw me thinking and he ask me about it , I can't just tell him  .
"oh , it just my ex-boyfriend , i was thinking about the past that we had and how true friend stay and the fake ones leave " No i wasn't going to say that , Never in million years . I do trust Chris , It's just ...i need time .
" The past , i was thinking about the past "
" Do you wanna talk about it ? Open up maybe ?"
" i think ...It's not the right time right now . i will tell you someday but not now ! "
" Oh no no ! it's Okay , i understand , i don't want you to do something you are not comfortable with and about waiting ! i'll wait for as long as you want ! Okay ? "
He's amazing and so so sweet 

" Okay " 


I was in my bed eating some popcorn and watching Netflix  when i hear my phone rings , i take it off my pocket ...Oh an unknown number . i'm not a big fan of the 'Unknown' but am curious ..Who's calling and i did it ...I answer

" Hello ? " i had no idea why the hell was i nervous but i try to calm my nerves a little bit 

i waited 3 sec and the person who calling was quiet ...so quiet and that's didn't help me with calming my nerves ..Well , Shit 

" Hello ? is there anyone ? Hello ? " am not the most patient person so i deiced to hung up , this is way to weird for me , when i was about to take the phone off my ear , i hear a sniff  well , not a sniff  it like someone's crying quietly ...What the hell is going on here ? 

" Hello ? " the sniffs  continued ..OH MY GOD  !! it a guy , i mean there's a huge different between a boy's crying and a girl's . this is freaking me out  , I'm gonna just hung up, this is scary so so scary , having some random guy crying in a phone call is not cool . i have no idea but this sniffs are familiar so familiar . i just take the phone off my ear and hung up , i put my phone on my bed and i lay down . 

i knew this voice ..i knew it but i can't remember . suddenly i hear my phone buzzed 

It a message from the same unknown number 

Unknown : i've missed you ...so much ! 

Me : Who are you ?

I need to know who is that ! who is the crying boy from the phone call ? 

Unknown : No one ! 

Me : this is really scary !! 

Unknown : Don't freak out cupcake 

OH NO !! there's one person calls me 'cupcake' , there's one person , only one ..Oh my god !JUSTIN   this is not happing right now  ! 


I've waited 3 hours for the next message but nothing ...nothing 

If it was really him why woudn't he tell me ? why now after 7 months ? why making me feel this way ? all the work that i work on my self to move on just dispersed after the texts . it like nothing a part of the old broken me comes out again and am scared  of letting her control me again . 

and i did this : 

Me : Don't you ever call or text this number ever again  

Read at 1:23
Yep  ! am not really sure that this person is Justin but i can not handle a guy i have no idea who the hell is calling me crying on the phone tell-No just no i can't 


It was hard for me to sleep that night ! i was feeling ...i have no idea what was i feeling but it feels like there's someone important to me in pain ...you know that feeling when you know that there's something wrong ! like there's someone out there calling you name ! it feels ...bad 

i look out of the window , Oh the moon , it looks so beautiful ...shining the dark sky ,making it look like a dark paradise , i was staring at the moon when i feel it ...i knew that there's someone calling my name , that there's someone in the other side looking to it too or am a fool who sits alone talking to the moon  

it was a hard night 

when i finally feel asleep one thing was on my mind 

Who is the guy from the phone call ? 

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