Hesitant Alien

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A/N. To start, I guess I'll mention that these are all oneshots.. I had previously published these in 2014 and removed them because I felt a lot of them were either too short or pretty lackluster but I figured I'd repost them anyway because I feel like it. Feel free to laugh at some of the things I wrote (I know I did).
Anyway, here we go!

Gerard's POV

Earth wasn't what I expected. When I took on the being who called himself "Gerard Way", I learned of the cruelty of "teenagers". I had not known that people would put other people in "lockers". It felt odd and slightly ridiculous to force someone into a tight area to encourage others to laugh.

While pursuing life in this form, I met this short boy who calls himself Frank who liked to hang around me. He clung to me and I'm not sure why as I was doing my best to distance myself from crowds to keep myself from being targeted immediately until I was able to adapt to human culture. As of this moment, I am still learning about humans. I believe this boy may also be different because nobody wants to be around him either. He showed me his favorite music a couple of days ago. Music is an interesting thing, I have learned. It's angry, loud and full of different emotions and I have learned to enjoy it. It's fun to hear. I was hesitant at first to put his little speakers into my head but he showed me it would not kill me so I allowed it. He laughed at me for how awkwardly I had done it. His laugh was "cute". I think I used that word appropriately. I'm still learning. It saddens me that I've developed emotions for someone but that I have to leave soon. He still does not know who I am. Or what I am, I should say. It's not an easy thing to say. I can't just blurt out "I come from a different planet and I've come to learn your ways". Maybe I could but he would either run or not believe me. I was meeting him tonight to go to a "party". He informed me that he wants to show me something.

I arrive at his home an hour before he said I needed to be there, as I read this is how normal people often act. I knock on the door and his mother answers. She shouts his name and he comes running down the stairs.

"Gerard! I told you to be here an hour from now! I'm not ready," he says, his cheeks turning red. He urges me to follow him up the stairs.

"One sec," he says and disappears momentarily. I take a seat on the flat-body-zone, as I have called it, though I've heard it referred to as a bed. When he returns, there is black surrounding his eyes.

"Are your eyes okay? Why are they black?" I ask. He laughs. His smile makes my heart do a thing that I cannot explain.

"It's just makeup, do you want me to do yours?" He asks. I nod, intrigued as to what that meant. He pulls out a pencil. Is he going to stab my eye? No, instead, he draws around my eye, which causes my eyelids to want to close. He laughs every time I twitch at the feeling of his touch. When he's done, he leads me to the mirror and shows me what he did. He turns to me and bites his lip.

"What?" I ask, unsure of how to process his reaction. He doesn't say anything but he makes himself taller by standing on the tips of his toes while staring at me. He put his lips onto mine and places his hand on my cheek. Is this what they call "kissing"? I try to recreate what he's doing and engage in the action. He pulls back and bites his lip again. He looks really happy and I like seeing him happy though it makes me feel obligated to tell him I'm leaving tonight, after the party. He'll never forgive me and I'm not sure why I'm so bothered. My mission is complete and I've much information to bring back to my people. I guess I just wish Frank could be a part of my people.

"Frank.. I have something to tell you..." I begin, mimicking a soft voice to ensure calm is kept.

"Oh god, I'm sorry..." He says. I don't understand.

"I have to leave tonight, after the party and I may never come back. I just need you to know that and I suppose I should tell you why but every time I think of telling you, I get this feeling of tightness in my chest and I don't know what it is," I say. Water begins to creep out of the corners of his eyes.

"Was it something I did?" He asks. I shake my head, as I've seen many people do to signal 'no'.

"It has nothing to do with you, I promise. It's something about me..." I say. He doesn't believe me.

"I have to go back where I came from... I come from a different place..." I say.

"Like Washington? Or Canada?" He asks.

"Somewhat.. A different planet.." I explain. Water is falling off his face now.

"It's not bad enough that you're leaving, but you're lying to me too?" He stands up.

"Get out," he says. Water falls from my eyes.

"Frank... Come with me, I'll show you." He puts his hands on his hips. I don't think he believes me.

"Come with me, you can live with me. I'll teach you as you've taught me here," I explain. He shrugs, clearing water from his face and I take him to my aircraft. We get inside and I take off with him inside. He seems to be in a state of shock as his eyes are wide and he seems afraid. When we arrive to my home planet and I open the top of the craft, Frank's eyes bulge and he grips his throat. What's wrong with him? I grab him in my arms and his heart rate has doubled.

"I... Love.. You.." He chokes out. I don't know what it means but I repeat it back to him. He stops spasming and his body lays limp in my arms. His heart isn't beating and air isn't being pumped into his veins... Air... Oxygen... We don't have that here.

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