Vampires Will Never Hurt You

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Frank's POV

He was chasing after me and I don't think I could've gotten away if I had wanted to. Before I knew it, he had an arm around my waist and the other tilting my head to the side. I wasn't fully sure what was happening but then I felt it. His fangs stung at first, when they pierced the skin on my neck, but it turned into an enjoyable sensation. I felt light and calm crashed through me like a wave on the sand. The air was crisp around me as the moon shone on my skin. I felt like I was gonna start floating in the air. It felt like his fangs buried in my neck were the only thing holding me down. The only things keeping me from floating into space. I thought to fight back but I was so calm and everything felt so warm inside me. I closed my eyes and breathed in the autumn air. I could feel his nails digging into my waist but I couldn't tell if they were causing any pain.

 I thought I was going to drift away but suddenly everything became strikingly clear. My eyes shot open and I was laying against the trunk of a tree. Above me stood something I had never seen before. He turned towards me and that was when I really saw him; though, it took me a moment to recognize him. It was Gerard's eyes that gave him away. I recognized the soft hazel color even though they appeared so heavily bloodshot. His body size remained similar though his limbs seemed elongated and his features were almost unrecognizable as his veins protruded a deep red beneath his pale skin. From his back protruded two large, thin black wings that appeared almost see-through as the pale alabaster bone structure of them was exposed. Beneath his black hair protruded two large, pointed ears. My blood was dripping from his chin down his torso. I told myself I should be scared but I couldn't find it in me. I was in awe of what I was witnessing. I couldn't have moved if I had wanted to and what was shocking me was that I was still conscious enough to witness him walking around. He circled me like a vulture before I heard his wings strike the air and watched as his figure ascended into the sky. He was gone in seconds and I remained against the tree, defenseless and useless. My eyes felt heavy and I couldn't keep them open any longer. I stopped trying to fight and I laid my head back, closing my eyes. 

I awoke sometime later but I was no longer outside, of that I'm sure. There was a white popcorn ceiling overhead. I could smell coffee from a distance and hear voices from afar. I was laying in a bed with cotton sheets. I didn't even have to move to know that someone's palm was on the doorknob closest to the bed I was laying in. I inhaled deeply and knew who it was. Gerard walked into the room, taking notice of my alertness. 

"Welcome back, so to speak," he said calmly. I made eye contact with him and mentally, I was transported back to last night, seeing him with my blood on his lips. I blinked hard and brought myself back to this room. I reached a hand to my neck, where I had been bitten and found no wound. Gerard smiled, glancing down at his feet.

"I- uh. Well, I wanted to apologize for what happened. I was out too late and I hadn't noticed and... Well, you were an accident," he explained while playing with his fingers. 

"What happened?" I asked, feeling a scratchy dryness in my throat as though I had been asleep for weeks. He noticed my discomfort and passed me a mug. I reached an arm out to grab it and as I pulled it closer to my lips, it was the smell I noticed before anything else, because it caused my teeth to pierce my lip. It was blood and I wanted it so bad. 

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