We'll Meet Again When Both Our Cars Collide

407 31 17

Frank's POV

I was going through our things last night, throwing away anything that was yours because I couldn't look at it anymore. It had been gathering dust for weeks. You left me on the Tuesday and never came back for your things. I was hoping you would, I had gotten a speech prepared to hopefully get you to stop leaving but I couldn't tell you.

I reached up at the top of the closet, pulling down a box. It was harder to reach than I thought it would be, then again, it was always you who would put things up here. At the top of the box was your sketchbook. I opened it up, flipping through the pages. Half of them were drawings of me and most of the others were you as a superhero, fighting bad guys. I flipped to the last page. The entry was the day you left. You always wrote the day on the upper right corner of the page. It wasn't your usual superhero battle drawing. It was you, without your armor, in the middle of street, about to get hit by car. I took a closer look, seeing something in your hand in the drawing. It was a calendar. The date was circled in red. Today. I looked all around the drawing to see if there was a time and sure enough, the clock tower on your way to work's hands indicated 3:33 pm. It was in 15 minutes. I don't know if I'd be able to make it.

I run out the front door and hop in my car. The engine roars to life and I head out as fast as I can to get to the place where you were about to get hit by a car.


I don't know if I'll be able to make it.


It's almost that time. A couple minutes pass and I'm almost at the place. I look down at the clock. It's 3:33. Before I get the chance to look up, a figure gets thrown over the roof of my car. I see the blood on my windshield. I get out and see that the person that I hit was you.

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