Would You Bury Me?

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Frank's POV

I remember there was a time when we could both make each other happy but I know that time has passed. I know that you moved on long ago and I'm still stuck in our past. The one we shared. I know it's crazy to still want someone who put you through hell but if you peel away all the grime and the shit that they put you through, you can see that there were more amazing and joyful times than bad. That's how I feel about you Gerard, I feel like when you moved on, we lost all the good we ever had. But I know it doesn't matter much now and I guess it's my fault. I just thought that when you said I wasn't good for you, that's what you meant. I didn't think that when you said that, you meant that you weren't good for me. Why did you have to speak in code all the time? Were you afraid of something or someone? I would give everything to not be where I am today. I would do anything to see you smile because there was a time when I was happy and it was because you were there. God, I would give anything to not be burying you today. But I guess that it's too late for that now. I shouldn't have listened to you when you told me to go away because it seems like the sky hasn't stopped crying since you've gone, and rightfully so, neither have I.

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