Ch. 006 Teleportation can be very fun

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              Back in the laboratory, a man was asleep now, in a room in his grand building. His head rested on the grey pillow and his breath was even and constant. And in the room with him was a little boy watching him, tilting his head. He whispered, "They long for life. They are traitors. Isn't that so...?" The man heard this in his head. His eyes opened, and he turned over, heart-rate quickening. But the boy had appeared at the foot of the bed. Then, he was in his face, slapping it so hard his hand turned red-orange like fire, glowing with a hidden light from within.

         He had awoken now and stared in horror at the boy's face, riddled with scars so hideous that you couldn't bear to look at.  He smiled. "Noticed me, have you? Good. You better listen, because things are about to get toasty in here." The man whimpered, "What do you mean? Who are you? Why are you here?" The boy smiled again, sharp white teeth exposed. "Ah. I don't know. Only to warn you. Your little operation isn't going to go down in history as the old boy predicted." "What? How do you know about him? He's hidden. Far away!" The boy threw back his head and laughed, a harsh, cackling laugh, far too ancient to be young. "Well well. Not to me." 

            The boy now crept closer to him, his long fingers elongating into claws, his teeth sharpened and ready. "Your going to help me do something, and if you do it right, you get to live. If not? Well well, you'll have to die with the others." The man gasped in terror, the whites of his eyes exposed, as the boy was a true horror to be seen and witnessed. 

             The man whimpered again, "What must I do? Anything! Anything at all. Just don't kill me." The boy looked him over with distaste. "Alas, I may have use for you yet. Don't move! I'll be right back!" He held up a hand. "Staaaaaaay. Staaaay." Then he teleported out of the room, nothing left but the man whimpering.  His breath quickened, then the air seemed to warp, and then the boy was back. "AAAGH!" He screamed. "Shh shh!" He held up his hands. "Don't be frightened! Here." The boy handed him a key. "Now." He pointed. "Go to the kitchen door, open it, and find my sister a nice breakfast for a change."

             "Whaa?" He nodded, and repeated, "My sister. Yes yes, the pyrokinetic. That's her." His mouth opened in a roar. "NOW GO GET IT!!"   The man was out of that room and down the hall before he could scream. Back in the room, the boy smiled in triumph, let out a sigh, then disappeared again, a whisp of black smoke fading even as the clock ticked on... 

---Geraldo Y. Krome.

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