Thomas' POV

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My name is Thomas. That's all I knew. I sighed and stood up from the bench after devouring one of Frypan's sandwiches. "Want another sandwich?" Frypan asked me. I shook my head, no, even though I kind of wanted one. The sandwiches were heaven and Frypan was their god. Chuck simply gave his high pitched giggle and took his fifth sandwich. I had to think things through. This place was like a little place divided into five spaces, the little forest, the part where they grow stuff and herd animals, the part where the animals are killed, the living places, where the Homestead and Frypan's cooking place was located, and the big grassy middle spot. This whole arrangement was surrounded by big stone walls with wide gaps. Apparently Alby was the leader of this, and Newt was second in command. I knew the rules of the Glade, how to get around it. Do your work, don't go outside, etcetera. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream filled the air. "What was that?" I shouted, freaked out. "Oh it's Ben," Frypan and Chuck shrugged. Frypan clapped me on the shoulder and left us. I walked across to the Homestead, where the sounds seemed to be coming from. "Hey Greenie!" a mean looking guy pushed me. "I know you, and you can call me Captain Gally," he growled at me. I struggled to be free, kicking feebly, but he was too strong. "Let me go," I kicked. "I've seen you in the changing. No, shut your klunk mouth. The changing is what poor Ben up there is going through. I bet my next dinner of Frypan's that he's seen your shucking face too," he yelled, finally releasing me. I fled and ran up the steps, Gally's laughter behind me. Another scream wracked the air. I opened the door. Newt's face poked out and stared. "Tommy? You can't be in here!" Newt tried to push me out, but Alby grabbed me into the room. I stared at the body in the room and winced in horror. That wasn't human. That blue veined monstrosity couldn't possible be human. Alby grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. He yelled words at me that I couldn't hear, so I simply nodded. "Alby calm down," Newt pleaded. "He's just a Greenie," he stated, gesturing a grubby hand at me. Alby glared at Newt, but released me. With great strength, he shoved me out the door. Before I could blink, the heavy wooden door slammed shut in my face. I blinked and tried to recover from my revulsion. I shuddered and quickly hurried down the stairs. "Tommy?" Newt's voice appeared from the top of the stairs. "Yes?" I replied. Newt walked down, and I marveled at his smooth movements. I was sure I had never seen a guy move so gracefully, even though I couldn't really remember anything. Sure, he had a limp, but it was a graceful one. "We're your family now. And I'll protect you. Good that, Tommy?" Newt cocked his head slightly as he spoke those words with his husky voice. "Good that," I replied, a smile spreading across my face.

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