Chapter 1

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Today I start at my new high school: LHS. According to them it's Lightning High School, but according to me it's Lame High School. There are no girls sports teams, I can't do track, I can't play basketball, and on top of that, there's no cross country team! The only thing I can do is cheerleading, which isn't even a sport. I think. All you do is dance around and do flips with really short skirts and pom poms in your hands.

This school is just borderline ridiculous. I walk into the school and everyone is wearing the exact same thing.

School spirit wear?

At least that's what I think it is. The school symbol is a lightning bolt with a black circle around it, and everyone's wearing shirts with the symbol emblazoned on it, all in different styles.

What is up with this-----

"Hello?" An unfamiliar voice calls out to me. "You must be Beatrix Robinson?"

"Yes, that's me. How do you know who I am?" I ask, pivoting on the ball of my foot to face the curly haired boy speaking to me.

"Hi, my name is Adam. I was sent here to, ah, greet a new student," he says with a smirk on his face. "Also, you're the only person here who's not in a uniform," he says, gesturing to everyone else. "So I'm assuming your Bea."

"One: Don't call me Bea, that's only for my friends and two: you assumed right."

"Good to know."

"Exactly why do you have to welcome me?" I ask with an annoyed look on my face.

"Well, that's very simple," he states, looking amused, "We have the same schedule so I'll be in all of your classes, meaning you will be graced with my presence every day."

I roll my eyes exasperatedly, then follow him down the hall.

"Now let's get you a uniform." We walk down the hall to a small office with the words ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE on the door. Adam opens the door putting his hand in front of him.

"Ladies first." He smirks.

"So why should I be the one going in first?"

"You hurt my ego," Adam says dramatically, clutching his chest. "Now go in." Rolling my eyes yet again at this absurd stranger, I walk in.

"Hello!" A very cheerful secretary greets us. "You must be the new student. Beatrix, isn't it?" I nod. "Unless Adam brought the wrong person again."

"Again?" I turn to Adam with my eyebrow raised.

"You don't need to know!" he says defensively. "Now, if you could be so kind as to get her a uniform so she can change and give her everything she needs for the rest of the year that would be great." He sits down on the chair and crosses his arms.

"Please follow me." The secretary says, motioning for me to follow her into a spacious walk in closet with kind of a locker room feel to it.

"Now you are going to need a skirt," she says, handing me a sport like skirt. This may be the first and only skirt I will put on in my life. "Now you can choose as many shirts as you'd like!" She motioned towards a row of shirts that were my size, "But first you might want to put the skirt on, and relax it won't hurt you." she giggled, she must have seen the horrified look on my face as I looked at the skirt.

"Here you can change in here," she said pulling a curtain back. This closet might look small but it is giant. I put the skirt on and walked out to choose a shirt, I choose a jersey like shirt with two stripes on one of the sleeves.

"You look great!" she said, "Now you can grab as many as you'd like, remember these are the ones you'll be wearing all year but you can always come down to get more if you'd like." she stated with a smile on her face. I put my hair into a bun and put some make up on since I didn't have time to at home. As I walked over to where Adam was waiting I saw a boy sitting next to him. This boy had sweatpants and a t-shirt with the school symbol on.

"Hi, I'm Chase," a boy said introducing himself by shaking my hand, " I'm Adam's best friend so you'll be seeing me a lot. Also, I'm in most of his classes, he is late to class so the teacher sent me down to see where he was." Chase sated waving his hall pass around.

"Here is your schedule and I hope you have a great day!" The secretary said handing me a paper with my schedule.

"Let's go to class!" Adam said trying to be cheery but he looked like he could knock Chase out with one punch. As we were walking to class Adam kept staring at me.

"You know, it would be nice to know why you look at me. If you want I can take a selfie and send it to you to stare at while your at home." I teased.

"Dude, stop being annoying. And I'm not saying anything but here's my number in case you need a science tutor." He stated, looking kind of smart for once, as he handed a paper with a phone number written down.

"Thanks? I guess?" I asked with a quizzical look on my face.

We got the classroom for first period and turns out that it was all boys.

"Why is this class only boys?" I asked.

"Oh, that's simple this is an honors class, and at our school only boys are in honors but you were an exception because you are a new student," Adam responded.

"What does this class being science honors have to do with having only boys?"

"Well you see at our school we believe that only boys should be in honors classes because they are more likely to get a good job, like be chemist for a big company," Chase answered.

"Well, ya know that most girls are smarter than boys...... so girls are just as likely to get those jobs mostly because you boys can be such idiots."

"Wow!!! Thanks for complement, and yes we are aware of this, it's just that the principal thinks otherwise, he said that you were an A+ student and deserved to be in honors classes. So here you are and you gonna have to deal with it."

"Fine!" I stated as I rolled my eyes.  

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