Chapter 5

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Beatrix's P.O.V

Today was the day that I'm going to get 100 signatures, I already had 1 for the girls and 5 for the boys. After the boys practice ended yesterday I went up to them and explained about the petition and the club and stuff and 5 agreed to sign. I couldn't get Chase's or Adam's signature because Adam went to tell the coach about practice and Chase ran into the locker room, he didn't even stop to say hi.

At lunch I ran over to my friends, by now I already had half of the signatures I needed. Adam and the rest of the group said hi, all except for Chase who had to leave.

"I'll be right back," I said as I turned on my heel and followed Chase to the gym.

"What's up with you?"

"Oh, um, hi Bea."

"I asked a question, I would like an answer." I sat down on the bleachers next to him.

"It's just, I like this girl, and well um," he continued rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me. I want to ask her out but she would probably say no."
"Well, how about this," I took out my petition, "You sign my petition, and then you stop being so sad and come with me to eat lunch, then after school you go this girl and tell her how you feel and ask her out?"

"Um, sure, why not?" He grabbed my petition and signed it.

Danny's P.O.V

"Hey Danny, I need to talk to you." I heard someone call my name and turned to see who it was, to my surprise I saw Adam running towards me.

"Can I help you?"

"You're best friends........with-------Bea right?" He said talking breaks to breathe.
"Um, Yeah what's up?"

"Would you happen to know who she likes?"

"That depends on who's asking?"

"Well, you see," he paused, "Chase likes Bea but thinks she likes me, but that not true, tell me that's not true, because they would look so cute together," He put his hands on my shoulders and started shaking me, "Tell me it's not true."

"Ok ok, calm down. Jesus, it's not true she doesn't like you. Besides who would like you?"

I know I'm lying and lying is bad....but I think that very deep down inside of Bea like very very deep down inside her, she likes Chase. I just have to keeping digging until she admits it.

"Oh, thank god... Chase would be so relieved."

"You can't tell Chase!!!!!"

"Why not?"

"Because if you will..... it won't end well."

Beatrix's P.O.V

"Hey Bea!" I heard someone call my name and it was just the person I was looking for.

"Hi Danny! I was just looking for you. I got my 100th signature and I was just about to march into the office so that stupid principal can let me have my Strong Girls Club so we can whoop the boys buts at basketball."

"Well that was oddly specific and sure I'll go with you to the office."

We walked to the office and we ran into Chase. I wasn't sure if I liked Chase, in a romance kind of way, all I knew is that he was cute, sweet, and he played basketball. It was very awkward as we walked to the office because Chase wanted to come, he was walking awfully close to me. I didn't realize that my shoe was untied and I tripped on the shoelace causing me to fall into Chase's arms. Chase just stare at me and then Danny, being the person she is she then says,
"UGGGHHHH, just admit you like her, kiss, and then bring the petition to the office." She immediately covered her mouth realising she said too much, I just stood there frozen in shock while Chase ran away.

Did he actually like me or was she just kidding? I really hope she's kidding, I definitely did not like Chase and there was no way I was going to break his heart.

Well, I've finally made my way to the office with Danny. And I gave that stupid principle my petition and he gave a signup sheet. All I had to do was get at 25 girls to sign up, 12 for my basketball team, six for Danny's archery team, and seven others just because the principal set a minimum of 25 for my club. Danny and I count as members, although I'm the leader and Danny is going to help me coach, that leaves me to get 23 people to sign up, that shouldn't be hard since I got 50 girls to sign my petition.

I set out to get the signatures and before I knew it I had 30 people signed up. I brought the paper to the office and he said that we can start next week.... Just in time to hold tryouts for my basketball team.

Time skip to Monday

Today is the day I hold tryouts for basketball and Danny holds tryouts for archery. I also promised to have a tutor session with Chase during lunch so I have to eat lunch in the library.

I went to the library after my very boring classes and Chase was waiting for me so I could tutor him. I had all the books and materials needed for the tutor session I was going to have with Chase and to my surprise he wasn't there. I found a note at the table we agreed to meet at:

I'm sorry Bea but I can't attend our tutor sess. But if you'd like you can meet me at the oak tree near the outdoor basketball courts.

I dropped my stuff off at my locker and headed for the oak tree, he was sitting underneath it and when he saw me he got up and walked over.

"So you cancelled our tutor session to come and sit under an oak tree looking like someone just punched you in the gut?"

"Um no, I cancelled our tutor session to come and sit here to wait for you to finally get here."

"Okay then," I said as I furrowed my eyebrows, "Then why am I here?"

"Well I have to ask you something," Chase stated with the slightest bit of hesitation in his voice. "Well just to be clear you can't be in SGC because that is only for girls."

"That's not what I was going to ask you idiot!" He said as he playfully punched me the arm. I smiled and he looked at me and our eyes locked. There was a long moment of silence,

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful smile?"

"What?" I asked as Chase turned to run away, I grabbed his arm and yanked him back so he was looking at me.

"Is that what you wanted to ask me?" He shook his head, "Then what is it?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does," I looked him straight in the eyes, "If you don't tell me I will never talk to you again."

"You wouldn't do that!"

"Try me!" I yelled back. He eyes softened and then he took a deep breath and looked down at me, he was a good seven inches taller than I was.

"Fine, the question I was going to ask you is do you like me?" I stared at his chocolate colored eyes and he looked at me then he said, "You don't have to answer, I know you don't like me."

Before I could say anything Chase ran away. 

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