Chapter 4

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Hey guys, this will be a short chapter just because it's not the most important part of the story. :) The next chapter will resume to Bea and her petition.

Enjoy the chapter!

~Pearl Storme

Adams P.O.V

After basketball practice we went into the locker room and discussed what we need to do to get better. Since I'm the captain of the team I have to stay after and tell the coach what we discussed. Chase waited outside the office, he said he wanted to talk to me about stuff. Not the most specific thing to tell me but I don't care. When I walked out of the office Chase stood up and asked if I could drive him home, I'm an old sophomore so I already have my drivers license. I grabbed my bags and walked out to the car, Chase followed. I turned the car on and put my playlist on, I hate listening to the radio because sometimes the music is terrible and by that I mean I hate the music they put on.

"Great practice today," I said trying to lighten the mood. Chase just nodded his head.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked but he just stared out the window, "Chase you know you can tell me anything, I'm your best friend and I've known forever." That's when he turned and looked at me.

"Um... I like Bea." He turned to look back out the window but continued, "but she doesn't like me and I don't know what to do."

"How do you know she doesn't like you? Have you asked her?"

"No, but it's really obvious," he turned back to me, "I think she likes you." We stopped at the light and I turned to Chase, I was shocked at what he just told me.

"You can't be serious right now. You're joking right?"

"No I'm not. When I went into the gym I saw her and Danny sitting in the bleachers and I waved, Danny waved back and Bea just smiled but when you went in the gym and waved, she waved back and smiled."

"Is that supposed to prove something here? I don't get it. Maybe she just didn't wave at you because she likes you and thinks if she waved back something stupid would happen."

"I don't think so," Chase replied as we were pulling up to his house.

"Tell you what, I'll talk to Danny since she is Bea's best friend and see if she likes you," I held out my hand so he would shake it, "Deal?" I questioned with a serious look on my face.

Chase smiled but shook my hand, "Deal." He said and then got out of the car, "Thanks for the ride!" He yelled as he was walking to the front door. "No problem," I yelled back.

The next day I was going to ask Danny. 

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