Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks since Chase asked me the question and ran away. Chase has avoided me for the two weeks and in that time my basketball team has won 2 out of two games, the first week was just tryouts and practice and the second week only two teams accepted to play our team. Danny's archery team is doing pretty good, they are mostly practicing since no teams agree to have a meet against them since the team is comprised of only girls. Everyone finds that to be stupid, even the principle and he is against any girls competing in anything!

As captain of the girls team and the coach I had a lot to do in order to get the team ready, Danny offered to help since she had nothing to do for her archery team. Danny finally got Chase and me in the same room, I went to get the basketballs from the closet and Chase was in there, Danny came along to help and then she closed the door and locked. Great! Just what i need!! I get to be locked in a closet with a boy who has been avoiding me for two weeks while I have a basketball team to coach.

"Haha very funny! Let me out or I will cut the archery team from the club!!!!"

"One: you can't do that, two: you wouldn't do that and th---"

"And three," I cut her off mid sentence "try me, see what happens. I can just go to that douche of a principal this school has and tell him that we no longer have a girls archery team."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me, see what happens."

"I am not letting you out until you two start talking again.... And even when it's time for the late bus and you're still not talking then you're not getting out of here," But I don't have a ride home, my car broke. "AND I COULD CARE LESS IF YOU DON'T HAVE A RIDE HOME!!!!!!"

Did she read my mind or something? I know I'm a sophomore and most people question me as to why i already have my drivers license if I'm only fifteen. Well, I started school late here because I moved and where I moved from you can get your driver's license at 15. I got my license before we moved, so i can drive and it annoys a lot of people, especially cops when they pull me over because 'I look to young to be driving' so I have to show them my license.

"Great!!! Who's going to coach the girls? We have a game tomorrow and I said I would help them with their lay ups! This is great, we have a game tomorrow, and they are depending on me to teach them on how they can improve their layups, they don't know where their captain is, and the captain oh so happens to be the coach----" I kept rambling on but was interrupted by Chase.

"You need to calm down."

"I need to calm down!!!!!! I have a whole basketball team waiting for me but what am I doing? I'm stuck in a closet with someone who doesn't even talk to me!" I threw my hands up and turned around. "This is all your fault, if you would have not been an idiot than I wouldn't be here." Right at that moment I had a brilliant idea.
"I know how to get out of this closet. I'm going to call her and tell her that we're talking again, and then when she comes and unlocks the door she is probably going to ask us questions about what we talked about, you need to make stuff up and so will I but it has to make sense. Got it?"

"Yeah but we shouldn't be doing this."

"I don't care. I have to get to my team, I can't leave them and not do anything."

"Fine but-"

"But nothing. Ok! Do I have to remind you that it's your fault that I'm stuck in this closet when I needed to get basketballs for my team to practice?" He shook his head, and I called Danny, the plan worked and I practically flew out of the closet with the basketballs. Chase ran after me and asked me if I wanted help coaching, I said that I don't need his help and never will.

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