Chapter 2

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After fourth period Spanish Honors it was time for lunch. Adam was in my Spanish class along with all my other classes. He actually wasn't terrible at Spanish, but he wasn't the best in the class... the teacher said that I was, which is great because my teacher at my old school said I was terrible but then again I'm in honors soooo.

Adam showed me where the cafeteria is and helped buy my lunch... I told him about 30 times that I can buy my lunch on my own but he refused to let me go on my own. I sat with him, Chase, and two of his friends, Lily and Danielle, but she prefers we call her Danny .

"Soooooo........ I heard you are in honors classes. And you have all of them with Adam," Lily said, I could sense that she was a little annoyed so I kindly said, "Yes I am." The rest of lunch was a little interesting everything I said and Lily would look at Adam and say "I'm sure he likes having you in his class too," or something like that. Adam looked at his watch and then said "Bea time for our next class." as he reached for my lunch tray.

"Here let me help you with that." He took the tray and returned it, then he turned to me and said "You coming?" I nodded my head said bye to all his friends as I was walking up the stairs to the classroom I tripped and fell, when I tried to get up I kept falling.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I extended my arm out, "but can you help me get up." He took my hand and helped me up, when I tried to walk my ankle hurt way to much.

"Are you sure you are okay? You're not putting any pressure on that foot."

"Yeah I'm fine it just hurts."

"You're ankle doesn't look okay, you should go to the nurse."

"Fine I'll go to the nurse, exactly where is the nurse's office?" Adam motioned for me to follow and I did. As we were walking Adam stopped.

"Are you sure you can walk there? It's on the other side of the campus."

"I think I might be able to manage." Adam walked over and picked me up and then continued walking to nurses office.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm helping you. If you continue to walk on that foot you're going to get injured even more than you already have."

"I said I could manage."

"Bea, just let me carrying you, if you walk you're going to get hurt even more and we are almost at the nurses office."


"Glad you came to your senses," Adam grinned. When we got to the nurses office the nurse rushed over.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"She fell when we walking up the stairs, I think she might have sprained her ankle," Adam stated.

"Well it doesn't look broken and you should definitely not be walking on it," She said looking at me as Adam put me down in a chair. She walked to a closet and grabbed something to wrap my ankle with and then grabbed some crutches. She wrapped my ankle handed me the crutches and then wrote Adam and I a late pass.

"Thank you." I said as I walked out. When we were in the hallway I said "I'm surprised she had crutches in the closet."

Adam looked over to me, "We have a lot of sports teams so we had to be ready for anything, last week one of our basketball players got hurt and had broke his leg, she was able to put a cast on him and gave him crutches. Plus, some kids like to live over in the student wing because their house is too far away from school, these kids go to the nurse when they get sick because they don't want to go all the way to the doctors office."

"That would make sense," I stated as Adam showed me the way to the elevator.

"Does this school have any girls sports team or only pom pom shaking?"

Adam grinned and stated that the only sports girls can do is cheerleading which he says is not a sport. When I got home from school I started to think about how I could get at least a girls basketball team. Then I thought about the other sports and what I could do about that. Then the idea came. I could create a club for girls who think that we should get sports teams too, the club would be called the strong girls club or the SGC. 

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