The Aftermath

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Hello! I hope you are having a wonderful day wherever you are in the world, and if you're not, I hope you find the energy and courage to make it a good day. This one shot is a bit sad because our favorite couple is injured and slightly in pain, yet fear not! Some fluff will be included to balance it out. Hope you enjoy!

Newt's POV

I flinched as I stood up, the pain in my abdomen unbearable. Although my entire body ached from the muscular fatigue inflicted by Grindelwald (albeit in disguise), electrical burns were scattered across my front and back. The mooncalves nuzzled against my legs, and I struggled to stay upright. Thankfully Tina came to my rescue, her voice guiding the creatures to a spot several feet away from me as she tossed pellets into the air. I attempted a smile as our eyes met, but Tina's expression quickly left me feeling nervous.

"You're supposed to be resting," she scolded gently, a frown clearly evident despite the dim lighting. I sighed. "I will, but the erumpent enclosure needs to be cleaned, not to mention fixing dinner for everyone." I replied before adding, "Well, everyone except for the mooncalves." The easily excitable creatures munched happily; nearly all the pellets were gone.

"Tell me who gets what and I'll take care of it. But first, sit down." Tina instructed. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly to myself, although I quickly stopped when the pain intensified. A couple of deep breaths helped me to inform Tina on each creature's personality as well as meal habits. We carried on a decent conversation, one that was occasionally peppered with questions such as 'how did you figure that out?' and 'is the erumpent protective like the occamy?'. I was delighted to see Tina so interested in the creatures, and quickly found myself grinning sheepishly in wonder and adoration of such a woman. Unfortunately, recent events brought me crashing down into reality. After all that had transpired within the past couple of days, Tina likely viewed me as a trouble-maker; there was no way she would choose to become involved with me romantically, not when she would soon be promoted at work (it was only a matter of time). No doubt she would catch the eye of many a handsome bloke.

I snapped out of my thoughts after acknowledging Tina's voice. "Everyone's fed and the erumpent seems satisfied," she announced simply, a small smile resting on her face. It wasn't difficult to see that she was tired, yet this sort of weariness did not seem to come from tending to the creatures. Tina's soft, brown eyes burned with a passion for justice and although the hardships she'd endured had taken a toll on her confidence, I could still see the fire within her. Often said to be windows of the soul, eyes can truly reveal the nature of one's heart; Tina's eyes were no exception. They contained such a beautiful depth to them and even reminded me of...

"Newt!" Tina cried softly. Her voice worried me; what had I missed while entertaining my own thoughts? I blinked to find Tina staring at the top of my left arm. Burns of varying degrees dotted my skin, starkly contrasting with the much more discreet markings commonly known as freckles. Daring myself to meet Tina's line of vision, I did so and found her eyes full of concern. I quickly averted my gaze before providing what I hoped would be an acceptable response. "It's not as bad as it looks." That wasn't quite the truth, although it wasn't exactly a lie either. I'd endured much worse at the hands (or should I say claws) of many a wild dragon.

"Have you put anything on them? I'm not sure if I have a jar of burn cream, but I'd be glad to check or get some if-" Tina began before I politely interjected, "No, that's quite alright. I have a paste that'll clear it up in no time." To ease Tina's worries, I summoned the small tub that rested on the edge of my bookcase-turned-medicine cabinet. With a quick twist of the tub's lid, I released the earthy aroma into the atmosphere and began to apply the paste to my arm. The red splotches became slightly less prominent, yet persisted nevertheless. I sighed, setting the tub of paste down. Tina reached over and scrutinized the small container before remarking, "It says here that the burns should be gone within a couple of minutes, ten at the most."

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