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7:39 PM

My eyes as red as blood, my long silky dark brown hair blowing into my face as the wind came into contact with it sticking ever so slightly to my cheeks which was wet, puffy and a dark shade of red the result of having cried for hours.

Climbing onto the rail of the bridge I look into the river in which I will soon be one with, taking a deep breath I stand straight spreading my arms apart as though I was a bird and they were my wings I jump off the bridge doing the exact opposite of flying, as expected of a human.

Why am I doing this?
It's all for my love or fiance if I must say, Park Jimin, who went on a business trip to Los Angeles, he promised that he'll be back in time for our wedding which was to be held a month from now but he won't be here, he can't be here at least not for the wedding which will no longer take place because he has tragically died in a plane crash on his way to Los Angeles, the bridge in which I was standing on, the place in which we first met, the place in which our love blossomed, we were like flowers and water we couldn't be without eachother , we were eachothers happiness, we were the cause of eachothers euphoria and so with that we decided to get married, to spend the rest of our lives together, although that plan was now as useless as ripped paper and so am I, for what will I do without him, he has left me so there's no other choice than to join him.

Smiling widely at the thought of being with my love, Park Jimin, my body comes into contact with the rocks of the river and my heart stops, but not for my love, Park Jimin.

A beautiful story - Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now