Chapter 5

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*AN: So this is rewritten to follow the chapter before. It's mostly the same with a few things added here and there.


"Please. You have to come, you been bailing on all these kick backs." Julia says over FaceTime. I'm at my tios' right now because Julia and Christian were being obnoxiously loud, and not even my earphones could drown their sounds. The amount of times they go at it so concerning.

"I can't I have essays to grade, and I somehow ended up on baby-mama sitting." I look over at Mario's baby mama. Mario was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago. He went to the store to get some snacks to bribe Ruby into getting up. I just think it was an excuse to get away from Amber, all she does is eat and say the most problematic shit ever.

"Please. It's just a kick back its super casual." Julia pleaded again. She may not show it, but she's still pissed that I didn't call Henry. I'm sorry I didn't want to spend at least two hours with a guy that only talks about how superior he feels because he's saving kids' lives. In a way I am too, but you don't hear me boasting about it.

"No. I have to finish grading. Love you, bye." I hang up before she can even say anything.

I resume into grading. Only I plan to have all my students turn in their essays at the end of the week. Personally, I like using a light blue pen since red seems too aggressive. I scribble some notes about structure when I feel Amber standing behind me, mostly because she's chewing in my ear and all her crumbs are falling onto my papers.

"So if you change the structure like that, it makes it sound more flowy, wow. Where were you when I was writing papers in college." she says wrinkling her bag of chips. I watch her as she opens the bag and licks the inside. "All done." she tells her belly.

"Could you backup a bit, you're kind of in my personal bubble right now." I tell her.

"Oh sorry. So....this party, why aren't you like going? Mario says that these Santos parties are like so lit. Is that true?" she says sitting next to me.

I look up from the test. "I have a lot of essays to grade. But yeah Mario is right those parties are pretty fun and stuff."

I continue grading my papers. From the corner of my eye, I see Amber pick up a stack of the already graded papers and she starts organizing them by following the seating I made. She quietly stacks them by columns. She then piles each column stack alternating a stack horizontally and the next vertically. She continues that with the other three piles that I've graded. Once she's done, she rubs her belly and whispers "All done."

Before I can thank her the door is open abruptly. Mario walks with two bags and Oscar follows behind him. Our eyes meet, but I drop my eyes back to the test that I've been trying to finish grading for the past thirty minutes.

Oscar follows Mario to Ruby's room. Mario then comes back.

"What's he doing here?" I ask Mario, pushing him into the kitchen.

"He's going to fix Ruby. You know he asked about you. Well he said 'how's Ruby and everyone else' but obviously was referring to you when he said the latter." he says with a teasing tone. I feel my cheeks warm up.

"Oh my gawd you're blushing! You so have the hots for that guy. I bet he has the hots for you too! The way your eyes met with him wow that sparks were practically flying. As Shawn Mendes says 'I could feel the tension. We could cut it with a knife.'" Amber sings from the table. I roll my eyes.

"Ves, everyone knows you both have a thing for each other." Mario teases me again. The universe please help this baby that's coming on the way. With these tarados as parents, it's going to need all the help.

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